
Another dotfile repo

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

M-x: Ahmed-dotfile RET

What programs I use:

programs mean I used it before, but no longer use it now. tl;dr: Debian, [Neo]vim, Emacs, suckless[fn:1] and linux (I wish I could run OpenBSD instead)

  • Email client: s-nail, neatmail(a simple INBOX parsing)+fdm, Mu4e(with offlineimap)again
  • Feeds: sfeed /RSS, Atom/, elfeed
  • File Browser: Ranger
  • Multiplexer: Screen , tmux , dvtm
  • Pdf & other document viwer: zathura, mupdf, evince
  • Shell: Bash , eshell, mksh
  • Terminal Emulator: urxvt, xterm, konsole, st, kitty
  • Text Editor: Vim , neovim, Emacs, neatviminimal vi clone with rock bi-direction support
  • Web Browser: Qutebrowser, eww, elinks /(for gopher only)/, surf, xlinks2, firefox
  • Windows Manager: I3wm , dwm
  • rofi , dmenu
  • Compton
  • keyboard: custom us keyboard based on dead-intl but you know without dead kyes, standard ar keyboard.
  • Fonts:
    • Emacs I use Go Mono, Verily Serif Mono, Neep (bitmap), Scientifica (bitmap)
    • Termianl I use *DejaVu Sans Mono*, *Verily Serif Mono*, Luxi Mono
    • PDF I use GNU EB Garamond mainly, FreeSerif, or Modern Computer
    • Zathura curie
    • Arabic Font is Amiri

Feel free to suggest me anything

you know how to use github, huh.


[fn:1] read ALTERNATIVES.md for more great software to use,