
Copy and paste one of the 2 line to your bash terminaland press Enter

1)[Add bash Command to your current user account]

cd && git clone && bash getNewCleanVersion2/settingUpEnv;cd;installF && exec bash;
  [Removing newVersion]
  cd && mv ~/getNewCleanVersion2/uninstallF . && rm -rf getNewCleanVersion2 && bash uninstallF && rm -f uninstallF

2)[Add bash Command to the root account]

git clone && sudo cp getNewCleanVersion2/{newVersion,uninstallF} /bin && sudo chmod 755 /bin/newVersion && bash getNewCleanVersion2/installF && rm -rf getNewCleanVersion2;
  [Removing newVersion]
  sudo rm /bin/newVersion;uninstallF && sudo rm -f uninstallF

Now,you should be able update your package list,upgrade,dist-upgrade and clean up your system automatically with the command 'newVersion'