
A simple AngularJS app with a basic file structure.

Primary LanguageHTML

AngularJS template

This project is an AnguluarJS skeleton for a typical web app. This project aims to give you a quick bootstrap for your AngularJS web app projects. It includes the AngularJS and Bootstrap frameworks.

The application doesn't do a lot, it just shows you how to wire up controllers and views and gives you a basic file structure for your projects.

Getting started

To get started you can do a simple clone from the repository and install the dependencies

Clone AngularJS_template

Clone the AngularJS_template repository using git:

git clone https://github.com/xxMShipmanxx/AngularJS_template.git
cd AngularJS_template

If you just want to start a new project without the AngularJS_template commit history then you can do:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/xxMShipmanxx/AngularJS_template.git <your-project-name>

The depth=1 tells git to only pull down one commit worth of historical data.

Install Dependencies

The tool I use to manage this project is npm. To install the dependencies you must navigate inside the app folder and then get npm to install the dependencies. How to install dependencies:

cd app
npm install

This will install the http-server which will allow you to run your app using npm.

Run the Application

I have preconfigured the project with a simple development web server. The simplest way to start this server is by using the following command:

npm start

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8000/#/

One last thing

Before you start development you should go through and change all the 'newApp' arguements to your app's name. Below is a list of places you will find these arguments:

app.js : 4
index.html : 2,3,4,5,9
package.json : 2
controllers/view1.js : 4
views/main.html : 2

Directory Layout

app/                --> all of the source files for the application
  assets/             --> folder that contains all assets
    css/                --> folder that contains all css files
    images/             --> folder that contains all image files
    libraries/          --> folder that contains all imported libraries
      AngularJS/          --> folder that contains all needed AngularJS files
        angular-route.js    --> defines the ngRoute module, which provides routing
        angular.js          --> contains the AngularJS framework itself
      Bootstrap/          --> folder that contains all Bootstrap files
        bootstrap.js        --> files used to importing bootstrap
    scripts/            --> folder that contains all scripts that aren't libraries
  controllers/        --> folder that contains all controllers
    view1.js            --> the controller logic for view1.html
  views/              --> folder that contains all html views
    main.html           --> a partial template for the main page
    view1.html          --> a partial template for the view1 page
  app.js              --> main application module
  index.html          --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
  package.json        --> the config file for npm