
Colorado Custom Coachworks WordPress website

Primary LanguageCSS

=== Radcliffe 2 ===

Author:  Anders Norén
Contributors: automattic
Tags: author-bio, custom-menu, featured-images, fluid-layout, gray, one-column, responsive-layout, sticky-post, threaded-comments, white

Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 4.7
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

== Description ==

Radcliffe 2 is a simple theme with clean typography, created with entrepreneurs and small business owners in mind. With business-friendly options like a call-to-action button and prominent contact information, Radcliffe 2 is your foundation for a professional website. 

== Installation ==

1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button.
2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now.
3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this theme support any plugins? =

Radcliffe 2 includes support for Jetpack's Infinite Scroll as well as other features.

== Changelog ==

= 22 September 2017 =
* Update readme.txt

= 21 September 2017 =
* Adding the .pot file.

= 20 September 2017 =
* Update link for instructional video links in Headstart from my-theme to the-movie.

= 8 September 2017 =
* Woocommerce product widgets now expand to full width on mobile instead of 50% for better legibility
* Fixed a bug where portrait images were being treated like squares (how rude).
* Fixed a bug where  was being checked in an if statement before it was declared. Also removed  (which wasn't being used) and bumped the Customizer JS version number
* Removes border-radius from vintage style pack. Remove padding from mobile menu so it looks cleaner
* Fixing rounded border-radis on Mobile drop down menu for more consistent behavior
* Re-committing chnages to make CTA height equall to post height.
* Centring contact info, footer for modern style pack.
* Making formatting between hero area and contact info code more consistent.
* Tweaking contact info preview - was showing in both header and footer on load.
* Making adjustments to spacing for logo area in modern style pack.

= 7 September 2017 =
* Added responsive styling for custom logo
* Fixing responsiveness issue in product feed
* Cleaning up alignment between product sorting widget areas and the product grid
* Adds live preview support to contact info area
* Fixed a bug where the minimum logo size was calculating too small on the front end. Also stopped using JS reserved words in Customizer code.
* Fixed issues with Chrome when changing logos, where it would retain the dimensions of the previous logo. Also, properly applies slider value to logo in Customizer on browser refresh.
* Removing JS logs for SVG zoom icon replacement function
* Switching CTA to preview in the Customizer via postMessage; update HTML elements to hide if empty, and tweak Vintage styles to remove 'display: table'.
* Turn off comments by default via Headstart
* Cleaning up add to cart button position in product feed
* Cleaning up font sizes in review descriptions
* Fixing font issue so that sorting and breadcrumbs in woocommerce accept the fonts in stylepacks
* Fixing style pack issue where woocommerce sorting and breadcrumbs would not accept font changes
* Update theme screenshot.
* Make sure meia queries are not overlapping.
* Adjust the typography of call to action area on tablets.
* Vertically center the call to action content.
* Adding toggle to show/hide site title/tagline to the logo settings, and updating the Customizer.

= 6 September 2017 =
* Update Home intro in Headstart annotations, to remove Customizer link.
* Updating headstart information; updating call to action labels.
* Changes to logo resizer to work better in Chrome
* Updating labels for CTA fields, and headstart values for CTA text.
* Cleaning up style pack fonts for Woocommerce
* Remove excerpt for Home Page from Headstart, so it doesn't show up as the site description meta.
* Fixes mini-cart hover state to match main menu behavior on desktop and mobile, also
* Turning categories 'off' in headstart.
* Cleaning up mobile menu-toggle in style packs, also cleaning up site cart buttons to account for style packs
* Adding slide-down animation to mobile menu
* Clean whitespace
* Add CTA checkbox back to display the CTA panel on the front page
* Remove checkbox to display on the front page the Call-to-Action section.

= 5 September 2017 =
* Make the contact info icons slightly bigger on mobile.
* Hide the default author avatar.
* Remove custom styles.
* Update preview screenshot of colorful style pack.
* Fixing color contrast in annotations for colorful style pack.
* Update colour annotations to account for changes in colorful style pack.
* Updating colors to match latest, more colorful styles
* Bringing back style improvements from r45668
* Adding font support to woocommerce in style packs
* Adds a wrapper to the product sorting markup for better responsive behavior
* Updating colorful style pack - hero area colours.
* Adding Woocommerce support to Modern style pack, cleaning up woocommerce layout for a more flexible width behavior
* 'Punching up' the colour style pack. Removing wrapper around infinite scroll posts to allow using nth-of-type on articles.
* Adding Woocommerce support to Vintage style pack
* Update logo to use 4:3 aspect ratio image size, 1200px by 900px. We need it fairly large for the logo resizing to work nicely.
* Increase 'hit' area of contact info links on mobile.
* Re-commit changes I inadverently removed in the last commit.
* Centre call to action content.
* Make call to action area height the same as post height across devices.
* Fixing some contrast issues in the colour annotations. Making adjustments for the Vintage style pack.
* Making sepia image filter more specific in the Vintage style pack; updating button styles.
* Add support for hiding default author avatar Content Option.
* Update call to action content in headstart annotations.

= 4 September 2017 =
* Swapping out non-CC0 background patterns with new ones in Headstart annotations; updating readme.txt to reflect this change.
* Adding Woocommerce support to colorful style pack
* Update preview image for customizer for the Vintage style pack.
* Cleaning up Cart tables on mobile to prevent horizontal scrolling
* Use javascript for style switching
* Prevent minification of style packs.
* Update font annotations to match new, updated font sizes and add any missing styles.
* Fix issue default style pack not being applied.
* Hides infinite scroll for Woocommerce
* Re-organizing the header to be stacked on mobile and inline on desktop
* Update typographic scale.
* remove background and border from Jetapck slideshow.
* Update post and page content in headstart annotations.
* display author bio below avatar on mobile.

= 2 September 2017 =
* Add padding to the bottom of Vintage style pack posts.
* Fixing some minor contrast issues in the colour annotations; reordering annotations a bit to group style pack stuff.

= 1 September 2017 =
* Building out Vintage style packs further, including adding sepia tone to the featured images, and special styles to the hero area.
* Updating text in headstarted front page, first blog post.
* Add preview image for the default style pack.
* Add star icons to new Customizer panels.

= 31 August 2017 =
* First pass at 'vintaging' up the vintage style pack a bit more.
* Update headstart image credits.
* Cleaning up header organization nav menu, shopping cart and social menu
* Adding mini-cart colors to to color annotations
* Cleaning up font/color annotations
* Fixing tab border opacity issue
* Centre CTA content and widget title. Make sure these stay left aligned in the modern style pack.
* Make sure visted links in the contact info area don't change color.
* Adjust menu toggle and mobile menu sizes, and mobile menu toggle icon alignment for vintage theme.
* Make sure that CTA button and text remain white with different color palettes.
* make sure CTA button stays white in Vintage and Modern style packs.
* Remove the widont filter.

= 30 August 2017 =
* Cleaning up color annotattions
* Cleaning up color annotations
* Cleaning up color annotations, fixing page header padding/margins
* Add tracking to new Customizer features
* Making the menu toggle and mobile menu type the same size, to improve consistency.
* Reduce left/right margin for the vintage style pack.
* Updating image used in blog post headstart annotation, and adding five additional images. Update readme to include license information.
* Adding woocommerce support to font annotations
* Adding Woocommerce support to color annotations, some code cleanup
* Re-work the vertical rhythm.
* Remove the widgets from Headstart annotations.
* Fix wp_add_inline_style call, because it was throwing errors.
* Remove the custom header feature support.
* Set minimum height of the CTA area on desktop only, to prevent large gaps on mobile.

= 29 August 2017 =
* Updating contact information styling to only show the icons on mobile for the location, phone number and email address.
* Turning the featured image fallback off by default.
* Adjusting top border, to make it stand out more and to distinguish it from the masterbar.
* Update opacity slider for call-to-action area, so it works even when there's not a background image.
* Update Headstart annotations to remove two pages, turn off sharing, and update contact info option name and default.
* Left align everything in Modern style pack.
* Update Headstart annotations - remove About and Contact pages, remove widgets, update contact info location option value.
* Make the Call to Action height the same as post's featured image. Adjust padding around page title.
* Add default value for contact info location option.
* Swap chackboxes to radio buttons for contact info location option.
* Make phone number in contact options clickable.

= 28 August 2017 =
* Changed the order of image onloading to try to fix an issue in Chrome
* Updating address in headstart annotations to make more generic.
* Update headstart annotations to include proper color_manager values, and a background_color value, to make sure custom colours are properly reset.
* Add first pass of headstart annotations.
* Adding slightly smaller, lighter font styles for photo captions, to help differentiate them from regular text.
* Update theme screenshot.
* Tweaks to Infinite Scroll button in style packs. Add text-shadow to entry titles.
* Fix minor issues around navigation and paragraph line-height.
* Swap default body font from Georigia to Palatino.

= 27 August 2017 =
* Removing header images for style packs.

= 25 August 2017 =
* Replace line of smarter featured image code that was not compatible with PHP 5.3.x, for backwards compatibility.

= 23 August 2017 =
* Tweaks to colour annotations to fix inconsistencies in current menu colour on mobile, and current menu colour vs background on desktop.
* Removing menu highlight from modern style pack for mobile -
* Add incremental control for the opacity of the overlay over the hero area background image.
* Add default header image to the modern style pack.
* Update style packs core and configuration.

= 22 August 2017 =
* Updating the modern style pack to align the site branding to the left. Included tweaking the annotations, and adding an extra div to the contact info and header to allow the layout changes.
* Centring site title on all screens, and menu toggle and social navigation on smaller screens.
* Re-adding formatting
* Tweaks to header spacing.
* Fix accessibility issues.
* Add header image to vintage style pack.
* Add style pack preview images to the Customizer.
* Update the style packs core script to the latest version.
* Adjust size of menu toggle slightly in colourful and modern style packs, to better match height of fonts used.
* Fixed a JS error in Chrome when .attr('src') is undefined
* Minor styling tweaks.
* Style updates based on breaking feedback, including:

= 21 August 2017 =
* Remove ARIA landmark roles
* Reverting strict comparisons, which were breaking the contact info and hero area customizer options.
* Formatting fixes throughout files, including:
* Minor code formatting
* Minor formatting
* Adding escaping to strings in comment area; updating pingback markup to match regular comments, so they look consistent.
* Changing esc_html_e to echo esc_html where variables are being echoed, not strings for translation.
* Adds an SVG zoom icon to single products
* Remove wpcom tracking
* Update theme screenshot.

= 18 August 2017 =
* Second attempt at a fix for Chrome when logo slider is moved and no logo is set
* Removed some debug code and squashed a bug in Chrone when no logo is present and you try to adjust the logo slider
* Fixes gallery views so that zoom states don’t appear broken on hover
* Added logo resizer support
* Adding style to .woocommerce-store-notice to make it match theme design
* makes the product search widget match the default search widget
* Fixing fieldset padding in password reset form
* Add Tracking for Contact Info clicks
* Remove old style packs implementation.
* Minor tweaks to the colorful style pack.
* Update textdomain in style stle packs config.
* Add colorful style pack.
* Update color annotations with adjustments for vintage style pack.
* Update footer markup so that credits regex works correctly.

= 17 August 2017 =
* Update style packs engine with latest changes.
* Change Contaction Info Email option type from a `text` to an `email`
* In the customizer, display the Hero Area (renamed to Call to Action) options only when viewing the front page
* Add missing style packs config.
* Swap out one of the default color palettes.
* Update the style packs engine with lastest changes.

= 16 August 2017 =
* Fixes mobile menu toggle margin height, cleaning up resposnive styles in woocommerce
* Removing search form in header to reduce clutter, also
* Slightly increase the size of the call to action button
* Contact Info centrally aligned and increase padding around the area
* Updates to modern style pack and minr style tweaks throughout.
* Updates to vintage style - switch to Libre Baskerville font and typographic tweaks throughout.

= 15 August 2017 =
* Removes search UI when Woocommerce is enabled
* Adds conditional support for mini-cart when woo is activated or search icon when not
* Adding recently viewed product widget support
* Cleans up CSS formatting, adds support for Woocommerce widgets
* Add colorful style pack.
* Switch the style packs engine to https://github.com/Automattic/style-packs-theme. For now I'm leaving the files used in the original style packs implementation in case I missed something while moving things.
* Round of small style tweaks.
* Moving  featured image outside of article element on single posts and pages, so that it displays properly with Vintage style pack.
* Another round of small styling tweaks for social menu.
* Small tweak to social menu styles - make sure social menu is right aligned.
* Reorder the header elements - put social menu on the same line as main menu.

= 14 August 2017 =
* Fixing cart table spacing
* Cleaning up validated form styles/colors
* Code clean up and
* Add style for the Hero Area
* Hero Area function remove use of `isset` and fix typo
* Remove unused function.

= 11 August 2017 =
* Fixing preview issue with custom colours and style packs: returning to the default colour scheme writes the 'body' background colour in a way that it was overriding background colours from the style packs.
* Adding Woocommerce support
* Add new section to the Customizer: "Hero Area", which includes options for: Title, Content, Button Text, Button URL, and Background Image. It is then displayed in the theme via `radcliffe_2_hero_area()`.
* Add a description to the Contact Info section in the customizer
* Code clean
* Move Contact Info to its own folder, just like Style Pack, for future use
* Add the Contact Info section to the footer with an option to show/hide it

= 10 August 2017 =
* Adding theme options and first pass at CSS for style packs.
* Removing empty colour rules from annotations.
* Update font annotations to match theme's current default styles.
* Reduce font sizes on mobile devices a bit.
* Remove Google Fonts, and update styles to use system fonts and appropriate weights. Reduce font sizes slightly to work with the new font families.
* Add an option for the Hours in the Contact Info section
* Contact Info Address option returns an external link to Google Maps

= 9 August 2017 =
* Slight increase in social menu size.

= 8 August 2017 =
* First pass of RTL styles, plus minor formatting
* Update font annotations to include changes from menu updates.
* Update colour annotations to include styles for updated social menu, mobile menu.
* Add social menu support to theme.
* Update comment mobile styles, including reducing padding on nested comments, and updating the bypostauthor comment styles, since the avatar isn't displayed.
* Increase size of related posts a bit, so they seem more proportionate with the rest of the theme's larger font styles.
* Style older/newer posts navigation. Tweak mobile styles for comments navigation to match.
* Fixing issues that came up in breaking, including:
* Add mobile menu styles and behaviour.
* Add some theme options to enble users to add contact information in the header of their site

= 18 July 2017 =
* Add styles for WordPress.com specific widgets.
* Add inline styles when custom headings font is being used.
* Minor font annotations tweaks.
* Minor color annotations tweaks.
* Color annotations tweaks.
* Place post navigation below comments and adjust styling.
* Increase font size of entry footer.

= 14 July 2017 =
* Move header search in line with menu; minor style tweaks.
* Minor adjustemnts to color annotations.
* Update the  array.
* Dequeue Google fonts if custom fonts are in use.

= 13 July 2017 =
* Adjustments to link colors.

= 12 July 2017 =
* Update color annotations.
* Update theme author.
* Add color annotations.
* Update comments template to display Comments closed message in the right place.

= 11 July 2017 =
* Add font annotations.
* Adjust font size to use pixels across the board.
* Adjust comment styling.

= 10 July 2017 =
* Minor tweaks to menu styling.
* Update function that puts featured image in the background to work with Content Options featured image fallback.
* Adjustemtns to mobile menu styling.

= 7 July 2017 =
* Add comments to entry meta.

= 30 June 2017 =
* Update content options config.
* Style search form and 404 page.
* Mobile styles re-shuffling.
* Fix featured image sizing issues.
* Round of mobile improvements.
* Updates to featured image handling.

= 29 June 2017 =
* Changes to header structure to accomodate mobile menu.
* Style mobile menu.
* Add header search.

= 28 June 2017 =
* Add styling for calendar widget.
* Style tweaks to footer meta.
* Last (hopefully) round of style tweaks to comments area.
* Entry footer styling.
* Don't display empty comments container when there are no comments.
* Update header image dimensions.
* Style comments by post author.
* Add new SVG icons and finish comments styling.

= 27 June 2017 =
* Updates to menu styling.
* Updates to site logo size and position.

= 26 June 2017 =
* Add featured images to pages.
* Add author to post meta.
* Removing obsolete functions.
* Adding icons to categories and tags lists.

= 23 June 2017 =
* Update the file with custom comment function.
* Use custom comment function; style the comments.
* Enqueue Google fonts. Duh
* Use consistent verical spacing.
* Fix wrong sidebar ID.
* Use flexbox for widget layout.

= 22 June 2017 =
* Initial commit.

== Credits ==

* [Genericons](http://github.com/Automattic/genericons/) Font by Automattic (http://automattic.com/), licensed under [GPL2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html).
* [normalize.css](http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css), (C) 2012-2015 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
* Based on [Underscores](http://underscores.me), (C) 2012-2017 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
* Based on [Radcliffe](https://wordpress.org/themes/radcliffe/), (C) Anders Norén, [GPLv2 or later](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)

* Headstart photos:
   * Papers https://pxhere.com/en/photo/66139 [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
   * Open Sign https://headstartdata.wordpress.com/were-open-sign/ [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
   * Buildings https://visualhunt.com/photo/201623 [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
   * Wood Pattern https://headstartdata.wordpress.com/pattern-wood/ [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
   * Stardust Pattern https://headstartdata.wordpress.com/pattern-stardust/ [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
   * Feather/Knit Pattern https://headstartdata.wordpress.com/pattern-knit-feathers/ [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)