
All of Xycloo's Soroban smart contract examples and guides.


Soroban Guide

Xycloo's resources to learn Soroban, example smart contracts and write-ups.


This repository serves the purpose of grouping Xycloo's resources to learn Soroban. Soroban is a smart contracts platform designed to work along with any transaction processor, specifically, it is being developed by the Stellar Development Foundation to interact with the Stellar blockchain.

Warning: these examples are not up to date with the recently released Soroban SDKs. That said, most of the code is still re-usable and a great resource to learn!

Smart Contract Examples + Write-Ups

Smart Contracts Examples + High-level explanation



If you have any smart contract ideas or write-ups ideas, we'd love to hear them: go ahead and simply open an issue for this repo.

About Xycloo

We aim at becoming an important element of Stellar's, as well as Soroban's ecosystem. We are currently building on Stellar classic, but we are also prototyping on our local network some of the first DeFi protocols we indend to develop and deploy on Soroban. (To stay updated on what we do, you can follow our Github page).