
Backend server for Socketchat built with Express and Socket.io :bulb:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Socketchat Server

Socketchat Server is a backend chat app implemented with Express and Socket.io. Live site can be found here

Table of contents


The challenge

The server should be able to:

  • Subscribe users to a chat room of their choice
  • Allow users to enter a room with a custom nickname.
  • Allow users to chat with other users within the room.
  • Keep a tally of room data like active users, room name, user profile pics


My process

I love express because it's so lightweight and fast to get setup. This was my first project with Socket.io and I found it similar to Express: great documentation and fast setup.

I dove into understanding WebSockets as a two-way interactive communication session allowing fast event driven response cyles between server and client. Perfect for real time chat apps.

Built with

  • Express
  • Socket.io
  • CORS

What I learned

The power of WebSockets! The fast, interactive, event-driven nature of WebSockets feels intuitive to me and introduces so many exciting possibilities than traditional HTTP request/response cylces. I feel as though I learned the introductory concepts behind WebSockets and that I would be comfortable working with them again and implementing basic two-way sessions in future apps.

Continued development

There is a lot to this app that could be expanded like adding persistant data storage, user authentication, profiles, private messaging, and more. I may try adding voice chat at some point to learn more about modern browser media capabilities.

Useful resources
