
Unofficial implementation of Partial Convolution.

Primary LanguagePython


Liu, Guilin, Fitsum A. Reda, Kevin J. Shih, Ting-Chun Wang, Andrew Tao, and Bryan Catanzaro. "Image inpainting for irregular holes using partial convolutions." In Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), pp. 85-100. 2018.

Unofficial implementation of Partial Convolution.


Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/xyfJASON/PartialConv-Inpainting-pytorch.git
cd PartialConv-Inpainting-pytorch

Create and activate a conda environment:

conda create -n partialconv python=3.9
conda activate partialconv

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The code will use pretrained VGG16, which can be downloaded by:

 wget https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg16-397923af.pth -o ~/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/vgg16-397923af.pth

Notes on masks

Please refer to doc.


accelerate-launch train.py [--finetune] [-c CONFIG] [-e EXP_DIR] [--xxx.yyy zzz ...]
  • This repo uses the 🤗 Accelerate library for multi-GPUs/fp16 supports. Please read the documentation on how to launch the scripts on different platforms.

  • Results (logs, checkpoints, tensorboard, etc.) of each run will be saved to EXP_DIR. If EXP_DIR is not specified, they will be saved to runs/exp-{current time}/.

  • To modify some configuration items without creating a new configuration file, you can pass --key value pairs to the script.

For example, to train the model on CelebA-HQ (256x256) using mask images from a specified directory:

# training
python train.py -c ./configs/celebahq-256-maskdir.yaml
# fine-tuning
python train.py --finetune -c ./configs/celebahq-256-maskdir-finetune.yaml --train.pretrained ./runs/exp-xxx/ckpt/step199999/model.pt


To evaluate L1 Error, PSNR and SSIM:

accelerate-launch evaluate.py -c CONFIG \
                              --model_path MODEL_PATH \
                              [--n_eval N_EVAL] \
                              [--micro_batch MICRO_BATCH]
  • This repo uses the 🤗 Accelerate library for multi-GPUs/fp16 supports. Please read the documentation on how to launch the scripts on different platforms.
  • You can adjust the batch size on each device by --micro_batch MICRO_BATCH.
  • All of the metrics are evaluated on the composited output, i.e., pixels outside the masked area are replaced by the ground-truth.

To calculate Inception Score, please sample images following the next section with argument --for_evaluation, and then use tools like torch-fidelity.


accelerate-launch sample.py -c CONFIG \
                            --model_path MODEL_PATH \
                            --n_samples N_SAMPLES \
                            --save_dir SAVE_DIR \
                            [--micro_batch MICRO_BATCH] \
  • This repo uses the 🤗 Accelerate library for multi-GPUs/fp16 supports. Please read the documentation on how to launch the scripts on different platforms.
  • You can adjust the batch size on each device by --micro_batch MICRO_BATCH. The sampling speed depends on your system and larger batch size doesn't necessarily result in faster sampling.


CelebA-HQ (256x256)

Quantitative results:

Evaluated on CelebA-HQ test set (2824 images).

Mask type and ratio L1 PSNR SSIM IScore
irregular (0.01, 0.1] 0.0019 39.2560 0.9840 3.6035 ± 0.0927
irregular (0.1, 0.2] 0.0055 33.0008 0.9558 3.5556 ± 0.1290
irregular (0.2, 0.3] 0.0105 29.5313 0.9184 3.4656 ± 0.1437
irregular (0.3, 0.4] 0.0165 26.9910 0.8774 3.3983 ± 0.1238
irregular (0.4, 0.5] 0.0234 25.0421 0.8335 3.2684 ± 0.0665
irregular (0.5, 0.6] 0.0419 21.5027 0.7514 3.0239 ± 0.1464


The content in the masked area doesn't affect the output, which verifies the effectiveness of partial convolution.