- 0
- 3
Set a color to a slice : impossible?
#80 opened by japer21 - 1
Removing a Slice not beautiful
#69 opened by GeneralZYQ - 1
Background color in the center.
#76 opened by rajankambaliya - 1
How can I create multiple level pie chart
#77 opened by RajIET - 0
- 0
How do I use the chart in UITableViewCell?
#78 opened by zq-gu - 1
Using XYPieChart inside CollectionViewCells
#48 opened by zallanx - 1
- 0
#74 opened by Abhijith-Gopi - 0
Getting warnings when updating to iOS 9. "Incompatible pointer types initializing 'CATextLayer..."
#71 opened by crvo84 - 4
How to turn off animation?
#59 opened by tommybananas - 0
getting such output using XyPieChart
#73 opened by farazhaider88 - 0
Disabling the gesture recognition?
#70 opened by colasbd - 0
Interface Builder Live Rendering
#64 opened by Dev1an - 0
Pie segments don't give 100% in sum
#62 opened by kas-kad - 0
How to set Custom Text to Label?
#60 opened by rugmangathan - 0
XYPieChart 2 Slices Selection
#57 opened by ZouhirASSAIB - 0
- 1
Add separate UILabel for slice label
#23 opened by ryanmsusa - 0
Line fill vs background color
#55 opened by ryancoughlin - 1
- 3
- 3
Label placement
#50 opened by kristersj - 0
Pie Chart Being Selective
#49 opened by wt65074 - 2
- 0
sizeWithFont deprecated
#47 opened by nspavlo - 1
How to manually trigger pie chart animation?
#45 opened by Rcurran - 0
- 0
- 0
Update CocoaPods
#36 opened by benmcginnis - 1
pieChart:textForSliceAtIndex is not called
#37 opened by trivektor - 1
- 1
- 0
crashes in XCode Objective-C - memory mgmt issue
#30 opened by bcolbert - 1
Version numbers
#29 opened by nschum - 1
- 0
Rotate Pie Chart Slice on Clicking
#24 opened by kamarshad - 0
Opening the largest slice by default
#22 opened by azamsharp - 1
Open Slice with Single Touch
#21 opened by azamsharp - 0
Expanding a particular slice
#19 opened by NiyogRay - 3
- 2
Selecting a label to select a slice.
#14 opened by randykittinger - 2
if the slice size is not large enough to contain the slice text size, the text will not be shown
#13 opened by flypigz - 1
redraw the pie if the frame is changed
#12 opened by flypigz - 1
Reload data without animation
#11 opened by zaplitny - 1
Non ARC running...
#5 opened by bugsommer - 2
- 1
Add '%' to the percentage label if required
#4 opened by ItamarM - 3
Rounding on percentage totals
#2 opened by pfield4