DISCLAIMER: This is repository does not currently exist, if I have time I may come back and make this more elaborate


Xiaoyu is a full stack developer seeking to do a specialization in front end development. Some features include:

  • Proficiency in: JavaScript (ES6, ES7, Babel), Python (2.7, 3.5)
  • DevOps experience: Travis, Magnum, Heroku, DigitalOcean, AWS, Git hooks
  • Testing:
    • Javascript: Mocha.js, Enzyme, Chai
    • PyTest, UnitTest


This is a private repo, but if you would like to install, please run (assuming you have git ssh setup)

Check your node version and make sure it's 5.10 or higher.

node --version

If your node version does not satisfy this, you can use Node Version Manager to install and manage your current node environment.

npm i git+ssh:github.com/xyin96/xiaoyu-yin



  • React.js (latest)
  • Angular (1.0)
  • Redux (latest)
  • Immutable (latest)


  • Flask (latest)
  • Marshmallow (latest)
  • SQLAlchemy (latest)
  • Swagger (2.0)


  • Swagger Codegen (latest)

How to Contribute

While we work across the stack, we are looking to improve on front-end development. However we would also like the flexibility to jump onto, and contribute to the backend if the need arises.