- 9
unpack_from requires a buffer
#68 opened by paulwunner - 1
- 1
Version 2, Two LED
#63 opened by dazz100 - 3
Sourcing Connectors
#64 opened by criscrafter - 2
control_in() not implemented in pyvisa-py
#61 opened by paulwunner - 7
KE5FX GPIB Toolkit help
#42 opened by crimus - 5
gpib adapter stops responding when script runs twice for setting firmware parameters
#58 opened by dazz100 - 6
- 3
Termination CR and LF
#57 opened by dazz100 - 2
Changing settings.
#56 opened by mariusCZ - 10
V2 HW JLCPCB issue
#51 opened by mankangustafsson - 12
- 3
Warning Messages Programming the Firmware
#50 opened by dazz100 - 6
- 7
testing with Tektronix DSA 602A
#54 opened by jimthouston - 17
Dos not apear as usb
#43 opened by yngve-hansen - 11
- 2
V2 HW BOM schema discprepancy
#52 opened by mankangustafsson - 25
Any chance of an Ethernet variant?
#31 opened by m1geo - 2
sigrok-cli errors
#34 opened by deepfryed - 37
Reading status byte interrupts writing/reading.
#36 opened by mariusCZ - 41
Support for older GPIB protocols / instruments
#41 opened by deepfryed - 9
When will V2 release? :)
#44 opened by galaris - 70
- 2
Where is the BOM?
#27 opened by wantingmachine - 3
GND pour on bottom layer in Kicad design
#29 opened by hobbymachinist - 1
Selling Extra Boards
#33 opened by Spegs21 - 1
//FIXME: ZLP not OK!
#28 opened by dazz100 - 1
Norcomp step file for 112-024-113R001
#30 opened by hobbymachinist - 2
Power-on error
#39 opened by htduan - 3
Does it work with harddrives?
#40 opened by JPT77 - 5
Changing timeout.
#35 opened by mariusCZ - 1
- 2
- 2
Suggestions for Improvements
#25 opened by dazz100 - 1
Enclosure 3D file formats
#24 opened by dazz100 - 2
Version 2 Gerber Files not accepted by PCBway
#23 opened by dazz100 - 20
- 0
UsbGpib V2 BOM with Element14 Part numbers
#22 opened by dazz100 - 14
Request for setting parameter in eeprom
#21 opened by 1st-elektron - 6
TestAndMeasurement.bin don't seem to load
#11 opened by fbdims - 6
Python VISA support?
#8 opened by ami3go - 1
Use Atmega32U4RC w/ Internal Oscillator
#9 opened by jlpoltrack - 3
Device descriptor request failed
#10 opened by wangwei357 - 0
#17 opened by testerfr810 - 1
Programming instrutions are wrong (?)
#14 opened by christakahashi - 2
Finished product consultation
#13 opened by michaelshow - 2
AVR Port usage
#16 opened by sufzoli - 0
488.2 compliant
#19 opened by ra1nb0w - 3
Turn off automatic *IDN? readout
#18 opened by larrye11ison