
This tool is developed to generate nested 2D gating hierarchy from clustered flow and mass cytometry data

Primary LanguageMatlabMIT LicenseMIT


Cluster-to-Gate is a tool developed to visualize clustering results of multi-dimensional flow/mass cytometry data.

Download newest version of C2G: https://github.com/xysheep/C2G/releases.

Here is an example of how to run C2G with source code: https://xysheep.github.io/C2G/. The testing data in this demonstration page comes from https://www.c2b2.columbia.edu/danapeerlab/html/dremi-data.html and https://community.cytobank.org/cytobank/experiments/60068.

A pre-compiled executable for non-MATLAB Windows user is avaliable since release (v1.1.0). Before using the pre-compiled, you need to install the MATLAB Runtime 9.2 avaliable at https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html.

Quick Start

Here is a quick example. In this example, we set the 'outlier' to be 0.05 and 'trivial_gate' to be 50 on the example data. In this example, the data.csv is already transformed.

C2G.exe data.csv label.csv outlier 0.05 trivial_gate 50

If your data is not transformed, you also need to set the "cofactor" option to make C2G transform the data. For mass cytometry, it's recommended to be 5. For flow cytometry, it's recommended to be 100.

C2G.exe data.csv label.csv cofactor 5

Usage of executables on Windows

Download MATLAB Runtime at https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html. Then you can directly run C2G on command line of Windows.

C2G.exe datafile clusterfile [...options]

Required Arguments

  datafile: Path to a CSV file of data matrix. This file should have a
          n-by-m matrix without header. n is the number of cells and
          m is number of markers. This data should already be
          compensated and transformed.
  clusterfile: Path a CSV file of cluster labels. This file
          should have a n-by-1 matrix without header. n is the number
          of cells. Each row correspondong to one cell in datafile. 0
          means unlabeled.

Optional Arguments

C2G has the following parameter that you can tune according to the shape of your data. For executables, you don't need to care about which funcion each argument is used.

Argument for compiled version


Argument used in hyperbolic arcsine transformation. It's recommended to be 5 for mass cytometry data and 100 for flow cytometry data. If this argument is 0, no transformation will be performed. Default is 0.

Function cluster_ungated


Minimum percentage of unlabeled cells that should be pre-clustered. Default is 0.95.


Maximum allowed number of pre-clustered unlabeled cell populations. Default is 300.


Percentage of low density cells of target populations ignored when decide whether a unlabeled cells overlaped with target populations. Default is 0.05.

'ignore_small_bin' Ignore pre-clusters with cells less than this number. Default is 20.

Function C2G


Whether to show the f-score of each cell populations after each iteration. Default is true.


Smallest number of cells a single gate must exclude when it's the only gate in that marker pair. Default is 50.


Same to taivial_gate, but the number is ratio of corresponding target population. Default is 0.3


Number of grids along each marker. Default is 40.

Function gatingTree.view_gates


Default is 20.


Number of rows in output figures that have multiple panels. Default is 3.


This is a threshold. When a node has only one gate and this gate fail to separate more than 'ignore_small' number of cells, this gate will not be drawn. This function is useful to filter out some unnecessary gates and only leave the important gates that show the hierarchy. Compare to 'trivial_gate' and 'ratio_trivial_gate' parameter in C2G section, this parameter only affect the visualization. Default is 100.


Whether the gating tree is present in the same panel of the gating sequences. Default is false.

Use source code of C2G

If you already have MATLAB installed on your computer you can try the quick start. Given you have one flow or mass cytometry data in fcs format and you want to visualize cell populations defined by kmeans, you can do it using the following code. In the transformation step, cofactor should be 5 for mass cytometry data and 100 for flow cytometry data.

[~,markers,~,~,compensated_data] = readfcs_v2(filename);
% Transformation of the data. 
transformed_data = flow_arcsinh(compensated_data, cofactor)';
% Run k-means where k equal to 10
label = kmeans(transformed_data, 10);
% The main function of C2G
m = C2G(transformed_data, label, label);
% Visualize the gating hierarchy
m.view_gates(transformed_data, markers);
% See statistics of the results

Alternatively, if you start from a data matrix already loaded into MATLAB and have a clustering results defined by other programs, you can run C2G in the following way. Here, you data should be M-by-N matrix where M is number cells while N is number markers. The clustering label is stored in a N-by-1 vector. Clustering label can be any non-negative integers and 0 means unlabeled.

transformed_data = flow_arcsinh(data, cofactor);
% Pre-cluster the unlabeled cells
newlabel = cluster_ungated(data,label);
% The main function of C2G
m = C2G(transformed_data, newlabel, label);
% Visualize the gating hierarchy
% See statistics of the results