RDL - Resource Description Language

RDL is a machine-readable description of a schema that describes data types, and resources and data tables using those types. Such a schema can be used to describe HTTP web services and storage tables, as well as serve as the source of truth for data encoding mechanisms like Protocol Buffers and Avro, as well as augment JSON and other encoding schemes by providing data validation.

RDL is particularly useful in describing REST-based APIs, providing a first class artifact that describes the API in an implementation-independent manner.

A summary of RDL types and syntax is described here, and the definition of the resulting schema, itself expressed in RDL, is here.

Note that the JSON representation shows the schema data object that the rdl.rdl file compiles to, for reference. Tools can start from either representation, they are equivalent.

The generated markdown docs for rdl.rdl are here.

Additional documentation on the TBin encoding format is here.