Part(Most) of the resources are from the online tutorial djangoGirls. I further divided the tutorial into small sections and links The website is on
- [Manageing directory] ( The list of command is useful
- [Install python in different operating system] (
- [IDE] ( Alternative powerful IDE to choose from
- [List and dictionary] (
- [Setting up virtual Environment] (
- An unofficial Django tutorial
- Install Django
- Start Django backend Server on cloud9
- Creating/adding new app to framework and creating data models You can find link to detailed documentation too
- Deploy and setting up git
- URL and regex
- html and templates
- ORM(object-relational mappers and reasons to use it
- Shell and Django ORM
- CSS, CSS file setup and CSS class
- More url and application extention
- admin setting configuration, create requirement fileTrouble shoot when you have 'cant find user' error
- Certification error in online IDE This may be helpful for online ide user
- More stuff to learn
- Django blog
- Login/logout, security
- Django authen/security api
- JSX: javascript syntax extension: A preprocessor that adds XML syntax to Javascript
- Arrow function and how it pass this
- Install yarn
- Using yarn
- JS tutorial
- Install babel
- Intall nvm
- facebook tutorial main tutrial from facebook
- Crash Course in React
- is a script that start a web server and manages the site
- contains the configuraiton of the website
- contains a list of patterns used by urlresolver
- touch creates a new file in linux
- workflow in web development – make changes locally, push those changes to GitHub, and pull your changes down to your live Web server
- include all used funcitons(url, include) from django.conf.urls in