
3 state 2nd structure prediction

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is to predict 3 state 2nd structure of a protein.



cd ./2nd_stru/	#Bash
  • to use the predictor successfully, you must in /2nd_stru/ folder
  • If you want to run model built by sequence information.
 python3 ./script/input_seq.py ./input/input.txt #Bash
  • Attention:
    • You can change your own test file path in <input sequence file>
  • If you want to run model built by pssm.
python3 ./script/input_pssm.py ./input/pssm/ #Bash
  • Attention:
    • You can change your own pssm path in <input pssm folder>, path folder must end with '/'
    • The pssm filename must starts with '>' and end with '.pssm'. For example: >1hnf-1-AS.pssm

mandatary file

  • ./input/
  • ./logs/model_pssm/
  • ./logs/model_seq/
  • ./script/
  • ./output/


  • Output is in /2nd_stru/output/
  • ./output.txt
    • Prediction by sequence model.
    • Format: 3line.
      • First line: >ID
      • Second line: amino acid sequences
      • Third line: Topology sequences
  • ./output_pssm.txt
    • Prediction by pssm model.
    • Format: 2line
      • First line: >ID
      • Second line: Topology sequences
    • You can conbine your sequences and predicted topology on your own.

/2n_stru/ file introduction



contain a sequence to test



the script to run


functions to extract data structures, sliding window, and onehotencode.


manually split dataset into 5-fold.


manually do cross-validation and change parameter


models and arrays produced during building the predictor.


contain the model I have built.


SVM input array. Use in cross-validation


contain the output file.