
Windows executable "de-escalator".

Primary LanguageC#


AsInvoker is a Windows executable "de-escalator" - it removes any administrator privilege requirement specified by the executable in its manifest.


Usage: AsInvoker.exe exe_to_deescalate.exe

(Or in explorer, drag the target executable onto AsInvoker.)

AsInvoker works by using resource APIs from kernel32.dll. It reads application manifests from executable images, searches them for requestedExecutionLevel elements, and replaces any elevation requests.

More on requestedExecutionLevel can be found here.


We demonstrate AsInvoker with Disk2vhd, a Sysinternals utility that creates VHD images for disk volumes. To do this, it requests administrator privileges in its manifest.

When opened, a UAC prompt pops up. The utility runs normally.


Now we process Disk2vhd with AsInvoker. The UAC shield icon disappears from the icon of the utility.

When opened, the UAC prompt no longer pops up. Also, the utility now is unable to read the list of disk volumes due to the lack of privileges.



When viewed with Resource Hacker, the original manifest actually still exists in the modified application. This means the executable will have two manifest resources. However, the patched manifest comes before the original one, which I suspect is why it still works.

I have yet to find a way to remove the original manifest - calling UpdateResource with lpData and cb set to zero will throw an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER and prevent me from inserting the new manifest or saving changes.