
re-vim: sensible vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

re-vim: sensible vim configuration

★ Single file, just download it. Ready to rock in 5 secs.

★ Well polished, should work on Mac, Linux and Windows.

★ Self-adapted, extensible, to fulfill your needs.

★ Support HTML/CSS/Javascript, Python, Latex autocompletion.

Get started

Download .vimrc file, put it in your home directory. Run vim as usual, it can handle itself quite well.

Tips for Linux & macOS users:

curl -Lo ~/.vimrc https://j.mp/re-vim

Need neovim support?

ln ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

[Optinal] Ever want Oni closer to bare Vim experience?

Copy those line to your ~/.oni/config.tsx and fire your Oni up!

Click Here



The screenshot was taken from VimR.

Some old screenshots can be found here.


re-vim uses vim-plug (+python required) as plugin manager. Run :PlugInstall in vim to install all built-in plugins. This should be completed in 30 secs.

Plugins list

  • delimitMate - provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.
  • vim-align - DrChip's Alignment Tool for Vim
  • YankRing.vim - Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes
  • goyo.vim - Distraction-free writing in Vim
  • ultisnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!(+python required)
  • emmet-vim - emmet for vim: http://emmet.io/
  • nerdtree - A tree explorer plugin for vim.
  • vim-ags - Silver searcher plugin for vim.
  • vim-table-mode - VIM Table Mode for instant table creation
  • vim-surround - surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple
  • vim-signature - Plugin to toggle, display and navigate marks
  • vim-gitgutter - A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/undoes hunks.
  • nerdcommenter - Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting
  • vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
  • vim-multiple-cursors - True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
  • vim-jsbeautify - vim plugin which formated javascript files by js-beautify(node.js required)
  • undotree - The ultimate undo history visualizer for VIM
  • ctrlp.vim - Active fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
  • codi.vim - The interactive scratchpad for hackers.
  • vim-one - Adaptation of one-light and one-dark colorschemes for Vim
  • neocomplete - Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache(+lua required)
  • nvim-completion-manager - ⚡️ Fast, Extensible, Async Completion Framework for Neovim
  • tern_for_vim - Tern plugin for Vim
  • nvim-cm-tern - Javascript completion for nvim-completion-manager.
  • vimtex - A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files.

Key bindings

Primary key bindings.

imap jk <Esc>           " Use `jk` to exit Insert Mode
let mapleader = "\<Space>"         " Use `<Space>` as mapleader


use :W for sudo writing on Mac & *nix.

use :Wcolor for showing highlight group under current cursor

Move around & Edit

Key Mode Action
<BS> Normal unhighlight the search result
yo Normal set nopaste automatically when done
[b Normal switch to previous buffer
]b Normal switch to next buffer
<Ctrl> + a Command/Insert move the cursor to the begining of line
<Ctrl> + e Command/Insert move the cursor to the end of line
<Ctrl> + h Command/Insert move the cursor left by word
<Ctrl> + l Command/Insert move the cursor right by word
<Ctrl> + b Insert move the cursor left by char
<Ctrl> + f Insert move the cursor right by char
<Ctrl> + j Insert move the cursor down by line
<Ctrl> + k Insert move the cursor up by line
<Ctrl> + j Visual move the current line downward
<Ctrl> + k Visual move the current line upward
<Ctrl> + h Normal resize the current split window
<Ctrl> + l Normal resize the current split window
<Ctrl> + j Normal resize the current split window
<Ctrl> + k Normal resize the current split window

<Leader> key related

Key Mode Action
<Leader> + r Normal Restore last session
<Leader> + b Normal Toggle background(need colorscheme support)
<Leader> + c Normal Toggle showing colorcolumn(highlight 80 column etc.)
<Leader> + d Normal Toggle expandtab(automatically expand tab to space?)
<Leader> + f Normal Toggle fileformat(unix/mac/dos)
<Leader> + k Normal Toggle showing linebreak(add '+++' before wrapped line)
<Leader> + l Normal Toggle showing non-printable char
<Leader> + m Normal Toggle showing foldnumber margin
<Leader> + n Normal Toggle showing linenumber
<Leader> + s Normal Strip whitespace & blankline EOF
<Leader> + t Normal Toggle tab & space(also can be used as indent guideline)
<Leader> + v Normal Toggle cursorline
<Leader> + w Normal Toggle linewrap
<Leader> + x Normal Toggle modifiable(readonly mode)
<Leader> + z Normal Toggle SearchFold(also can be used as outliner)
<Leader> + <Space> Normal Toggle FoldMethod

Plugins key bindings

Plugin Key Mode Action
ctrlp.vim <Leader> + o Normal Open CtrlP window
undotree <Leader> + u Normal Toggle undotree window
YankRing.vim <Leader> + y Normal Open YankRing window
YankRing.vim <Ctrl> + p Normal Replace with previous YankRing item
YankRing.vim <Ctrl> + n Normal Replace with next YankRing item
nerdcommenter \ Normal/Visual Toggle comment
nerdcommenter Ctrl + \ Normal/Visual CommentSexy
emmet-vim , + , Insert/Visual Expand abbr
nerdtree <Leader> + e Normal Toggle nerdtree
vim-multiple-cursors + Normal/Visual multi_cursor_next_key
vim-multiple-cursors _ Normal/Visual multi_cursor_prev_key
vim-multiple-cursors - Normal/Visual multi_cursor_skip_key
vim-align <Leader> + g Normal/Visual Align with
goyo.vim Ctrl + w + <Space> Normal Toggle goyo mode
limelight.vim Ctrl + w + <Enter> Normal Toggle limelight mode
ultisnips <Tab> Insert Expand snips
ultisnips <Tab> Insert Jumpforward
ultisnips <Shift> + <Tab> Insert Jumpbackward
vim-jsbeautify <Leader> + j + s Normal JsBeauty

For more key bindings please refer to the plugin's manual.


re-vim uses ~/.vimrc.after (and ~/.vimrc.before) for your customization.

For example, to override the default colorscheme:

echo "colorscheme paper" >> ~/.vimrc.after

To add new plugins, you should create ~/.vimrc.plug:

echo "Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'" >> ~/.vimrc.plug