
Integrate web search engines, such as Google , in vim

Primary LanguageVim script


Integrating web search engines, such as Google, into vim



The general usage is: :WSearch engineName keyword1 keyword2 .... For example:

:WSearch google keyword1 keyword2 ...
:WSearch baidu keyword1 keyword2 ...

By default, google, baidu and mdn is available without configuration.


If you set the current search engine, you can use :WS command. The syntax is

:WS keyword1 keyword2 ...

You can set the current search engine in .vimrc :

let g:webSearchCurrentEngine = 'google'

or set it danymically:

:WSEngine google

If you want to know the current search engine, just execute the command:


and press enter key. The result may be like this

WebSearch current engine: google


There are shortcuts to search the word under cursor:

  • <leader>ss to search the word under cursor with current search engine in normal mode.

  • <leader>ss to search the selected text with current search engine in visual mode.

Custom Search Engines

You can config g:webSearchEngines to add web search engines in .vimrc. e.g.

let g:webSearchEngines = {
    \ 'github': 'https://github.com/search?q=<QUERY>'
    \ }

Then you can use this command:

:WSearch github keyword1 keyword2 ...

The <QUERY> will be replaced with the keywords when you are searching.