A simple Github dashboard
npm install
touch ./src/config.js
should export the following variables:
GITHUB_BEARER_TOKEN // Generate token at: https://github.com/settings/tokens
GITHUB_USERNAME // Your Github username
ORGANIZATION // e.g. siteminder-au
GITHUB_POLLING_FREQUENCY // How often to refresh the data on the page (Github rate limits)
REPOSITORIES // Repositories in that organisation you want to display information for
Example: config.js
export const GITHUB_BEARER_TOKEN = 'ghp_soopersecret'
export const GITHUB_USERNAME = 'elon_musk'
export const ORGANIZATION = 'tesla'
export const GITHUB_POLLING_FREQUENCY = 5 * 60000
export const REPOSITORIES = [
name: 'tesla-ai',
displayName: 'SpaceX',
name: 'spacex-launch-codes',
displayName: 'SpaceX',
npm run serve
visit: http://localhost:8080