
Image Feature Detection with Deep Learning in Keras. Detailed solution for the Kaggle Competition

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo is an illustration of the model training details for the Kaggle Competition:DSTL Satellite Imagery Feature Detection. I won a Bronze Medal in this competition.

The goal of this competition is to detect and classify 10 types of objects in the given regions(1km*1km) of satellite imagery provided by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl). The dataset consists of 450 images, 25 of them have training labels. The satellite images are provided in both 3-band and 16-band formats. The 16-band format includes Panchromatic (450-800 nm), 8 Multispectral (red, red edge, coastal, blue, green, yellow, near-IR1 and near-IR2)(400 nm - 1040 nm) and 8 SWIR (1195 nm - 2365 nm). In this competition, information of all 20 bands are utilized in training the model.

The idea of U-net is applied in this competition for training the CNN for feature detection of satellite imagery. U-net was first developped by a German research team from University of Freiburg for Biomedical Image Segmentation. U-net then shows its perfomance for image segmention problem in the Kaggle competition Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation. In this competition, I trained different CNNs based on the idea of U-net and got good results.

The input data can be downloaded here.