
Mallacc: Accelerating Memory Allocation

Primary LanguagePython

Mallacc: Accelerating Memory Allocation

This was a project to build an in-core hardware accelerator for malloc(). For more information, please refer to this paper:

Svilen Kanev, Sam (Likun) Xi, Gu-Yeon Wei, and David Brooks.
Mallacc: Accelerating Memory Allocation.
Architectural Support for Operating Systems and Programming Languages, April 2017. PDF

This repository contains all the information necessary to reproduce our experiments and results.


Mallacc's dependencies are listed below. If you only want to reproduce the basic experiments that can be run natively on your machine, you only need to clone gperftools. To run the larger cloud workloads natively, you need to clone tcmalloc-cloud-workloads and the pre-built Xapian databases. Finally, if you want to reproduce simulation results of Mallacc speedup, you will need to install XIOSim.

  1. A recent C++ toolchain with support for C++14 and -fsized-deallocation. GCC 5+ should be OK -- for our experiments, we used GCC 6.1.
  2. gperftools - our customized version of tcmalloc that uses our newly proposed instructions. This includes a collection of microbenchmarks designed to stress various parts of malloc.
  3. tcmalloc-cloud-workloads - A collection of larger ''cloud'' workloads that we used to evaluate malloc speedup in more realistic scenarios. Includes Xapian and Masstree.
  4. Pre-built Xapian databases of Wikipedia articles.
    • abstracts: A search database over wikipedia abstracts only.
    • full-pages: A search database over full Wikipedia pages (text only).
  5. XIOSim - an x86 simulator. The malloc_hw branch includes support for malloc instructions and specialized hardware.


gperftools should be installed first, since the entire project revolves around malloc. Furthermore, all the microbenchmarks are provided in that repository.

Our system has toolchains installed in non-standard locations, so our build flow relies on writing do_configure.sh scripts that execute configure with hard-coded toolchain locations and other default options. All installable packages come with such a script. You will need to edit each script to change the toolchain locations to match your target system, or simply remove all those options if your toolchains are located in the default directories (e.g. /usr/bin). Execute the do_configure.sh script, then run make and make install from within the build directory to build and install the package.

Other than the toolchain installation directories, do not remove any of the other CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS specified, like flags about the ABI, sized deletes, etc. These are important.


Clone the gperftools repository linked above. Installation instructions are in README.md.


The version of Xapian we used is provided in tcmalloc-cloud-workloads/xapian. We provide both the Xapian core library, which is used to build search applications on top of Xapian, and Omega, a search engine that was built using Xapian's core library. Omega was used to index a dump of Wikipedia's articles full pages and abstracts; these are the prebuilt Xapian databases that we are providing (since they take a long time to build and require a large amount of RAM). We have written some basic client testbenches that run queries over these databases using the core library.

For build and execution instructions, please see the tcmalloc-cloud-workloads repo.


Masstree is located in tcmalloc-cloud-workloads/masstree. Installation and execution instructions are in the tcmalloc-cloud-workloads repo.


See SPEC.md.


XIOSim is the x86 cycle-level simulator that we used to simulate Mallacc speedups. You will need to checkout the malloc_hw branch, which implements all the malloc cache functionality.

Please see the XIOSim README for installation instructions.

Running simulations

You will need to build gperftools with all Mallacc instructions and optimizations enabled and link all the benchmarks with this version of tcmalloc. XIOSim is able to replace any of the placeholder instructions with either the original code (the baseline case), an implementation of what the corresponding Mallacc instruction would actually do (e.g. pop the head off a linked list), or an ideal implementation where the Mallacc functionality is emulated but the instruction itself takes zero time (the limit study), based on which command line arguments are passed to the simulator.

To run a simulation, please look at run_profiles.py. You will need to replace some hard-coded path names to suit your system and environment.

The simulations are somewhat computationally expensive -- the full runs in run_profiles.py took ~2 days on our 200-core compute cluster.

Analyzing results & plots

Our workflow parses simulator output files for each benchmark run and puts the results in a SQLite database for analysis. Once simulations are finished, the following should reproduce most data plots in the Mallacc paper:

python parse_results.py read --results-dir /sim/output/dir --db speedup.db
python parse_results.py analyze --db speedup.db
python plot_profiling_data.py paper-plots --db speedup.db