Siddharth S Singh

Languages spoken: English (fluent), Hindi (native), Tamil (conversational)

I am a freelance software engineer with an interest in web development. I have a passion for open-source software, and enjoy making things that improve the lives of people or spread happiness in the world.


  • Currently pursuing a B.Tech degree in electrical and electronics engineering from VIT University, Chennai (2020 - 24)
  • Graduated from Army Public School, Chennai in 2020 with 91% marks.


  • Proficient in Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS
  • Working knowledge of Java, Rust, C, and Svelte
  • Working knowledge of git for version control
  • Proficient with setting up, using, and troubleshooting Linux systems
  • Comfortable with bash scripting and the command line.
  • Knowledge of network utilities such as ssh, nmap, netcat, etc.


  • Reading (fiction, mostly)
  • Some creative writing
  • Listening to music
  • Playing Dungeons and Dragons
  • Filmmaking
  • Programming (I am currently learning Rust and Svelte)

Work Experience

  • Girl Up VIT Chennai, Technology Secretary (2021 - 2022)
  • Socrates Club, VITC, Technology Secretary (July - Oct 2021)
  • Web development, freelance (2019 - present)
  • Girl Up VIT Chennai, Technology committee, Member, 2020 - 21 academic year
    • Built a definition generator using HTML5 canvas for a glossary of feminist terms
  • Socrates Club VIT Chennai's Design committee, Member, 2020 - 21 academic year
    • Designed and built the club's Web site
  • Java development, hobbyist (2018 - 19)
    • CouncilElection - An election suite I built for my school's student council election.

Selected projects