
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Setup procedure

  • Docker


  • Copy .env.example to .env

  • Get a postgres db from https://neon.tech/ (or any other provider)

  • replace the DATABASE_URL in .env

  • Run npx prisma migrate dev to setup schema

  • cd migrations, Seed SQL data -

    psql -h your_db_host -d your_db -U your_username  < neondb_backup.sql

For example

    psql -h ep-super-wildflower-a5sqjjhz.us-east-2.aws.neon.tech -d neondb -U harkirat  < neondb_backup.sql

Steps to run locally

With Docker

  • docker compose up

Without Docker

  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • Login using any userid and password 123456
  • You should be able to see some test courses

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