NVIDIA Gamestream client for PlayStation Vita, based on moonlight-embedded
- 4
Stream Starting, Disconnecting
#198 opened by ParkingLotGames - 0
Error "Cant get applist! -9"
#247 opened by elkoNDe - 1
Gyro / Motion Controls
#245 opened by rraafays - 0
Only one gamepad avaliable
#246 opened by kgrzywocz - 3
App crashing after a few seconds/minutes of streaming
#241 opened by Gaylien - 2
last version 0.9.3 problem RTSP handshake code 503
#235 opened by zorkobabin - 17
Can't add device list & error: 1
#213 opened by GeoDerp - 0
- 4
Occurs a crash with sunshine
#204 opened by d3m3vilurr - 1
Any way to swap bumpers/triggers?
#243 opened by TDGalea - 15
Linux Pop-Os error: C2-12828-1
#242 opened by Unbornsz - 1
Problem after reinstalling Windows
#239 opened by gtitita - 5
- 1
Suggestion: Per game input mapping.
#240 opened by Zentae - 2
input lag when enable vita vblank
#238 opened by Jeremie-AUBREJAT - 1
Multiple key assignments for L2/R2 not being able to bind to upper/lower L/R side back panel
#237 opened by bigmfinoof - 0
Errror: Can't connect to server
#236 opened by LannUZ - 1
What happens to moonlight?
#227 opened by gtitita - 1
"cant add device list"
#230 opened by cineva183 - 7
Pair failed
#224 opened by primon12 - 1
Can't build (OpenSSL not found)
#228 opened by Fewnity - 2
[Request] Can there be a way to pause/quit a game stream via button Combos?
#188 opened by the16bitgamer - 3
Stream at 1920x1080
#221 opened by hugomc92 - 1
cant pair with openstream
#200 opened by azerty55 - 2
PS Vita не подключается к компьютеру через стороннюю сеть. Пожалуйста помогите
#219 opened by gtitita - 0
Can't save settings
#226 opened by 1262917464 - 0
Audio desync on stream video stuttering
#225 opened by rhobiusvoid - 1
Disconnectind after starting stream
#222 opened by NikitaMiryushchenko - 1
Failed Stage: Audio stream start - GFE
#206 opened by artzox - 7
new version of NVIDIA GeForce Experience
#207 opened by KATUEB - 2
Remove devices?
#190 opened by DocMAX - 0
RSTP Handshake: 116
#218 opened by Caiobada - 0
vita controls are not detected/working
#217 opened by joshuachris2001 - 0
How to add shortcut multi key (like Alt + F4)
#216 opened by maytinhdibo - 0
Update more code
#215 opened by maytinhdibo - 0
- 0
- 1
Request stream from Xbox one / one s/x
#203 opened by thefiredragon - 2
- 1
- 0
Bad connect to sunshine\openstreamapp
#208 opened by Gromdev656 - 0
- 2
Make the full control customize feature
#194 opened by d3m3vilurr - 0
can't connect with LG G4
#202 opened by sprenghuhn1 - 10
ps vita (rtsp handshake)
#201 opened by Elkinfi1 - 4
Crashes when launching any game - Sunshine - Moonlight on non-Nvidia or Linux
#199 opened by JacekJagosz - 2
Constant Stutter Every 10-15 Seconds Since v6.1
#195 opened by AlC4pwn - 5
Video stream start failed: -2147418110
#196 opened by StrawberryBrains - 1
RTSP Handshake 552
#191 opened by LarryBambelle - 1
Bad frame pacing on PS Vita
#189 opened by digiandy