PYNQ image build for ZC702 board


PYNQ image build for ZC702 board

  1. Download zc702-2.4.img.zip
  2. unzip the image file
  3. Writing Img to SD card ref.[https://pynq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/appendix.html#writing-the-sd-card]
  4. Boot ZC702 board from SD card by switch SW16 to(0,0,1,1,0)
  5. Connect ethernet cable to board and set a IP address manually.
    1. Open Tera connect to board via serial port(speed 115200)
    2. Typing command: ifconfig eth0 IP_ADDRESS eg.sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up
    3. sudo password is also xilinx.
    4. run jupyter notebook
  6. Open browser and typing IP_ADDRESS of the ZC702 board to open jupyter notebook(password is xilinx)