
Clean and easy-use wrapper for shell base on ading2210/poe-api

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a shell tool for accessing poe.com. (NO Waiting Error!)
It wraps almost all webpage functions on poe.com through ading2210/poe-api.


pip3 install poe-api



POE_TOKEN=<YOUR_POE_TOKEN> ./poe-shell.py <function_name> <function_args>

Before using, you need to get an API token from poe.com and save it to the POE_TOKEN environment variable.

Then you can call any function defined in poe-api by passing in the function name and arguments. For example:

POE_TOKEN=xxxxxxx ./poe-shell.py bot_names | jq . 
POE_TOKEN=xxxxxxx ./poe-shell.py send_message capybara "hello 你好" | jq -r '.text_new' | tr -d '\n' 

For specific functions and arguments, please refer to ading2210/poe-api.


You also can use it to do some hard thing by poe-api or by website

# Clean all bot message
for bot in $(./poe-shell.py bot_names | jq -r 'keys[]'); do echo $bot; ./poe-shell.py purge_conversation "$bot"; done

UI mode

🚀./poe-shell.py send_message capybara {input} # support multi line input, Ctrl-D to break input
(.venv) UI mode enabled
function parameters: ['chatbot', 'message', 'with_chat_break', 'timeout']
message: Hello
message: 你好呀
{'id': 'TWVzc2FnZTo5OTA2MDg0MzI=', 'messageId': 990608432, 'creationTime': 1685469024963210, 'state': 'incomplete', 'text': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'author': 'capybara', 'linkifiedText': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'suggestedReplies': [], 'vote': None, 'voteReason': None, 'text_new': '?'}

Bash command helpper

$ ./helpper/poe-botname.sh Sage
# Clean Sage message
$ ./poe-shell.py purge_conversation $(./helper/poe-botname.sh Sage)
$ ./helper/poe-online-search.sh Claude+ 请问清酒都可以用来干什么,可以直接喝吗?


If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, feel free to file an issue or pull request.


All code from poe's gpt4 self, I just review all code and check it running.
Thanks all dev for AI and about AI :)

More Toy

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