
This SQL query returns the last name, first name, student ID, and class ID of students with the first name 'Thomas' who are enrolled in 'COMPSCI101'. It filters results based on these conditions using a WHERE clause.

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Filtered Student Information


This SQL query returns the last name, first name, student ID, and class ID of students with the first name 'Thomas' who are enrolled in 'COMPSCI101'. It filters results based on these conditions using a WHERE clause.


Just copy and paste this query into your preferred PostgreSQL database administration tool, such as pgAdmin or the psql command line tool, to utilize it. Make sure you have a table called "students" with columns for last name, first name, student ID, and class ID.


This query will return a table containing the last name, first name, student ID, and class IDs of all students who meet the criteria.