
reversible flow for building robust application with javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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reversible flow for building robust application with javascript

  • explicit(serial/concurrent) flow construction
  • multi step rollback made easy
  • works with both sync and async(returns promise) functions


for nodejs < v6 require the transpiled version

var reverflow = require("reverflow/legacy");

a simple serial flow


const {serial} = require('reverflow');
serial(x => x + 1, x => x * 2)(1).then(console.log);

creating flow by composition


const {serial, concurrent} = require('reverflow');
serial(concurrent(serial(x => x + 1, x => x * 2),
                  x => x * 3),
       ([x, y]) => x + y)(1).then(console.log);

rollbackable serial operations


when C fails, B should be rolled back, then A.

reverflow does this auotmatically, you can make an operation rollbackable with the rollbackable function

import {serial, rollbackable} from reverflow

serial(rollbackable(A, undoA),
       rollbackable(B, undoB),
       rollbackable(C, undoC))(input);

rollbackable concurrent operations


when C fails, B and D should be rolled back, then A.

import {rollbackable, serial, concurrent} from reverflow
serial(rollback(A, undoA), concurrent(rollbackable(B, undoB),
                                      rollbackable(C, undoC),
                                      rollbackable(D, undoD)))(input);


passing param to the rollback function

rollbackable(input => save({id: uuid.v4()}), ({id}) => remove(id));

arrays can be passed to serial and concurrent

serial(a,b,c) is equivelant to serial([a, b, c])

normal functions can be passed to serial or concurrent