
a simple node script to switch wlan profile on windows

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A better alternative

There is a powershell version inspired by this project, which is easier to use.


I would suggest using the above powershell version, thus this project is deprecated.

How to use

  • install nodejs
  • clone this repository
  • copy the profiles.sample.js to profiles.js
  • add your own profile to the profiles.js with the key of ssid
  • register a taks in task scheduler(control panel->administration tools->task scheduler)
    • pick up the wpm.bat as the operation of the task
    • make sure the task will be executed by user "SYSTEM"
    • define the trigger as following:
      • start at: event
      • basic, log: Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig/Operational
      • source: WLAN-AutoConfig
      • event id: 11001