Thermal Faster R-CNN for FIR Pedestrians Detection on SCUT Dataset


Thermal Faster R-CNN for FIR Pedestrians Detection on SCUT


This code is provided a modified Faster R-CNN for FIR pedestrians detection on SCUT Dataset.

The code RPN in this repo is written based on the MATLAB implementation of RPN+BF. Details about RPN+BF in: zhangliliang/RPN_BF.

The code external/code3.2.1 and external/toolbox is clone from SCUT-CV/SCUT_FIR_Pedestrian_Dataset which is based on Caltech dataset tool and Piotr's Image & Video Matlab Toolbox. Detials about Piotr’s Toolbox are in:pdollar/toolbox.

The SCUT FIR Pedestrians Dataset is a large far infrared pedestrian detection dataset. Detials about SCUT dataset are in: SCUT-CV.


  1. ubuntu (16.04 64bit)
  2. MATLAB (our is MATLAB 2016b)
  3. GPU: 1080ti or better


  1. Clone the TFRCN reposityory

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/xzhewei/TFRCN.git
  2. Build Caffe

    In ./external/caffe directory, there is our used caffe version. Follow the instruction to set up the prerequisites for Caffe. Use make matcaffe Build the mex file.

  3. Download the SCUT Dataset

    • Download the SCUT Dataset the videos into ./external/code3.2.1/data-scut/videos directory
    • Download the SCUT Dataset the annotations into ./external/code3.2.1/data-scut/annotations directory
  4. Download the VGG-16 pretrain model in VGG16_pretrain.zip from BaiduYun or GoogleDrive, and unzip it in the repo folder.

  5. RUN ./startup() and ./tfrcn_build()

Training on SCUT

  1. Start MATLAB from the repo folder

  2. Training data preparation

    Extract image and annotation file into ./datasets

  3. Run script_tfrcn_train_scut to train and test the TFRCN model on SCUT. The result will auto copy into ./external/code3.2.1/data-scut/res

  4. Run dbEval_scut , it would give the evaluation results on SCUT. The Reasonable MR is ~10%, Overall MR is ~33%.