
Hackintosh EFI and Kext, Clover theme, macOS installer image, mac Free App ...

Hackintosh List

Hackintosh EFI and Kext, Clover theme, macOS installer images, mac Free Apps ...

website here


How to contribute

You only need to add data in json format.

If you need to upload an image, https://sm.ms/ is a good choice.


"Device": "",
"Author": "",
"CPU": "",
"Audio": "",
"OS": "",
"Link": ""

In the laptop folder, there are multiple brands of files. If don't have yours, just add one in the format of the other file.


"Motherboard": "",
"CPU": "",
"GPU": "",
"Audio": "",
"Network": "",
"OS": "",
"Author": "",
"Link": ""

Clover theme

"Name": "",
"Screenshot": "",
"Link": ""


"Name": "",
"Link": "",
"Description": ""

Free App

"name": "",
"description": "",
"icon": "",
"link": ""

macOS image

"OS": "",
"Version": "",
"Author": "",
"Link": ""