For the single-threaded MapReduce implementation, please check the single-thread branch.

This is a distributed, fault-tolerant, reliable, simplified and easy-to-learn MapReduce framework written in Rust.

  • The user runtime is using tokio, an asynchronous runtime for Rust, make it efficient under I/O-Bound scenario like MapReduce
  • The RPC framework is using tarpc, nodes will communicate through TCP connection
  • You may start the MapReduce process with one Coordinator & multiple Worker(s), the number of worker processes can be specified by users
  • The default application is a word count application, which will use the provided pg-*.txt files under the resource directory to count the total words and the corresponding frequency
  • You can define your own map reduce function in src/mr/ & src/mr/, see the comment for details
  • You may want to change the server_address to adapt to your environment, check src/bin/ & src/bin/ for details
  • If one or more Worker(s) crash(es) during the MapReduce process, the fault-tolerant mechanism (By maintaining the heartbeat-like, leases of each tasks to allow the Coordinator detect if any of the Worker has gone offline) will allow the MapReduce continue progressing, also ensure the correctness
  • If the Coordinator crashes during the MapReduce process, the Worker(s) will wait for the restart of the Coordinator, and the recovery process will be triggered by the underlying Write Ahead Log on the Coordinator side

To run the program, follow the instructions:

  • Please make sure you are in the src directory, if not (Assumes you are in the root directory), run cd src
  • If you want to start the MapReduce in default version, just run bash or zsh or other command to run the script, depending on your own environment. To stop the MapReduce process, run the in the same way. If permission is denied, run chmod -x <script name> to grant permission
  • You can start the Coordinator by running cargo run --bin mrcoordinator -- <map tasks number> <reduce tasks number> <worker number>
  • Then start one or more Worker(s) in different terminal windows by running cargo run --bin mrworker <map tasks number> <reduce tasks number>, please make sure the server has been started before you starts the Worker
  • The number of Worker(s) should exactly match with the specified number when you started the server, otherwise the MapReduce process either will hang (The Worker(s) is not enough) or will panic (The Worker(s) exceed the preset limit)
  • To check the final result, first run make clean, this will clean all intermediate files, then running make generate to generate the sorted final.txt, feel free to change anything in the provided Makefile to best fit your taste!

Result Image

A typical MapReduce result will probably look like the following image, the Coordinator (The upper right one) is running with cargo run --bin mrcoordinator -- 8 10 3 and three other Workers with cargo run --bin mrworker -- 8 10, respectively.



  • Garbage collector
  • Improve logging method, add different logging level
  • Parallel processing for each worker, i.e., utilize rayon to achieve parallel data processing
  • Better serialization & deserialization format especially for intermediate files
  • More test cases to ensure the overall correctness & the test cases coverage