
Detecting DNA methylation from PacBio CCS reads

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Detecting DNA methylation from PacBio CCS reads



ccsmeth is built on Python3 and PyTorch.

install ccsmeth from github (latest version):

# it is highly recommended to install ccsmeth in an virtual environment
conda create -n ccsmethenv python=3.7
# activate
conda activate ccsmethenv
# download and install ccsmethy from github
git clone https://github.com/PengNi/ccsmeth.git
cd ccsmeth
python setup.py install

# deactivate this environment
conda deactivate

Trained models

See models:

  • model_cpg_attbigru2s_hg002_15kb_s2.b21_epoch7.ckpt: a CpG model trained using HG002 PacBio Sequel II (kit 2.0) CCS subreads.

Quick start

# 1. align subreads (should have added minimap2 to $PATH)
ccsmeth align --subreads /path/to/subreads.bam \
  --ref /path/to/genome.fa \
  --threads 10 \
  --output /path/to/output.subreads.minimap2.bam

# 2. extract features
ccsmeth extract --input /path/to/output.subreads.minimap2.bam \
  --ref /path/to/genome.fa \
  --threads 10 --norm zscore --comb_strands --depth 1 \
  --output /path/to/output.subreads.minimap2.features.zscore.fb.depth1.tsv

# 3. call modifications
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 csmeth call_mods \
  --input /path/to/output.subreads.minimap2.features.zscore.fb.depth1.tsv \
  --model_file /path/to/ccsmeth/models/model_cpg_attbigru2s_hg002_15kb_s2.b21_epoch7.ckpt \
  --output /path/to/output.subreads.minimap2.features.zscore.fb.depth1.call_mods.tsv \
  --threads 10 --threads_call 2 --model_type attbigru2s


Users can use ccsmeth subcommands --help/-h for help.

1. align subreads

ccsmeth align -h
usage: ccsmeth align [-h] --subreads SUBREADS --ref REF [--output OUTPUT]
                     [--header] [--bestn BESTN] [--bwa]
                     [--path_to_minimap2 PATH_TO_MINIMAP2]
                     [--path_to_bwa PATH_TO_BWA]
                     [--path_to_samtools PATH_TO_SAMTOOLS] [--threads THREADS]

align subreads using bwa/minimap2

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --subreads SUBREADS, -i SUBREADS
                        path to subreads.bam/sam/fastq_with_pulseinfo file as
  --ref REF             path to genome reference to be aligned, in fasta/fa
                        format. If using bwa, the reference must have already
                        been indexed.

  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        output file path for alignment results, bam/sam
                        supported. If not specified, the results will be saved
                        in input_file_prefix.bam by default.
  --header              save header annotations from bam/sam. DEPRECATED

  --bestn BESTN, -n BESTN
                        retain at most n alignments in minimap2. default 3,
                        which means 2 secondary alignments are retained. Do
                        not use 2, cause -N1 is not suggested for high
                        accuracy of alignment. [This arg is for further
                        extension, for now it is no use cause we use only
                        primary alignment.]
  --bwa                 use bwa instead of minimap2 for alignment
  --path_to_minimap2 PATH_TO_MINIMAP2
                        full path to the executable binary minimap2 file. If
                        not specified, it is assumed that minimap2 is in the
  --path_to_bwa PATH_TO_BWA
                        full path to the executable binary bwa file. If not
                        specified, it is assumed that bwa is in the PATH.
  --path_to_samtools PATH_TO_SAMTOOLS
                        full path to the executable binary samtools file. If
                        not specified, it is assumed that samtools is in the
  --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                        number of threads, default 5

2. extract features

ccsmeth extract -h
usage: ccsmeth extract [-h] --input INPUT --ref REF [--holeids_e HOLEIDS_E]
                       [--holeids_ne HOLEIDS_NE] [--output OUTPUT]
                       [--seq_len SEQ_LEN] [--motifs MOTIFS]
                       [--mod_loc MOD_LOC] [--methy_label {1,0}] [--mapq MAPQ]
                       [--identity IDENTITY] [--two_strands] [--comb_strands]
                       [--depth DEPTH] [--norm {zscore,min-mean,min-max,mad}]
                       [--no_decode] [--num_subreads NUM_SUBREADS]
                       [--path_to_samtools PATH_TO_SAMTOOLS]
                       [--holes_batch HOLES_BATCH] [--seed SEED]
                       [--threads THREADS]

extract features from aligned subreads.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --threads THREADS     number of threads, default 5

  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        alignment results in bam/sam format. We assume that
                        all items/reads are sorted by hole_ids in aligned.bam,
                        which generated by align_subreads.py from
  --ref REF             path to genome reference to be aligned, in fasta/fa
  --holeids_e HOLEIDS_E
                        file contains holeids to be extracted, default None
  --holeids_ne HOLEIDS_NE
                        file contains holeids not to be extracted, default

  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        output file path to save the extracted features. If
                        not specified, use input_prefix.tsv as default.

  --seq_len SEQ_LEN     len of kmer. default 21
  --motifs MOTIFS       motif seq to be extracted, default: CG. can be multi
                        motifs splited by comma (no space allowed in the input
                        str), or use IUPAC alphabet, the mod_loc of all motifs
                        must be the same
  --mod_loc MOD_LOC     0-based location of the targeted base in the motif,
                        default 0
  --methy_label {1,0}   the label of the interested modified bases, this is
                        for training. 0 or 1, default 1
  --mapq MAPQ           MAPping Quality cutoff for selecting alignment items,
                        default 20
  --identity IDENTITY   identity cutoff for selecting alignment items, default
  --two_strands         after quality (mapq, identity) control, if then only
                        using CCS reads which have subreads in two strands
  --comb_strands        if combining features in two(+/-) strands of one site
  --depth DEPTH         (mean) depth (number of subreads) cutoff for selecting
                        high-quality aligned reads/kmers per strand of a CCS,
                        default 1.
  --norm {zscore,min-mean,min-max,mad}
                        method for normalizing ipd/pw in subread level.
                        zscore, min-mean, min-max or mad, default zscore
  --no_decode           not use CodecV1 to decode ipd/pw
  --num_subreads NUM_SUBREADS
                        info of max num of subreads to be extracted to output,
                        default 0
  --path_to_samtools PATH_TO_SAMTOOLS
                        full path to the executable binary samtools file. If
                        not specified, it is assumed that samtools is in the
  --holes_batch HOLES_BATCH
                        number of holes in an batch to get/put in queues
  --seed SEED           seed for randomly selecting subreads, default 1234

3. call modifications

ccsmeth call_mods -h
usage: ccsmeth call_mods [-h] --input INPUT [--holes_batch HOLES_BATCH]
                         --model_file MODEL_FILE
                         [--model_type {attbilstm,attbigru,bilstm,bigru,transencoder,resnet18,attbigru2s}]
                         [--seq_len SEQ_LEN] [--is_stds IS_STDS]
                         [--class_num CLASS_NUM] [--dropout_rate DROPOUT_RATE]
                         [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--n_vocab N_VOCAB]
                         [--n_embed N_EMBED] [--layer_rnn LAYER_RNN]
                         [--hid_rnn HID_RNN] [--layer_tfe LAYER_TFE]
                         [--d_model_tfe D_MODEL_TFE] [--nhead_tfe NHEAD_TFE]
                         [--nhid_tfe NHID_TFE] --output OUTPUT [--ref REF]
                         [--holeids_e HOLEIDS_E] [--holeids_ne HOLEIDS_NE]
                         [--motifs MOTIFS] [--mod_loc MOD_LOC]
                         [--methy_label {1,0}] [--mapq MAPQ]
                         [--identity IDENTITY] [--two_strands]
                         [--comb_strands] [--depth DEPTH]
                         [--norm {zscore,min-mean,min-max,mad}] [--no_decode]
                         [--num_subreads NUM_SUBREADS]
                         [--path_to_samtools PATH_TO_SAMTOOLS] [--seed SEED]
                         [--threads THREADS] [--threads_call THREADS_CALL]
                         [--tseed TSEED]

call modifications

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --threads THREADS, -p THREADS
                        number of threads to be used, default 10.
  --threads_call THREADS_CALL
                        number of threads used to call with trained models, no
                        more than threads/4 is suggested. default 2.
  --tseed TSEED         random seed for torch

  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        input file, can be aligned.bam/sam, or features.tsv
                        generated by extract_features.py. If aligned.bam/sam
                        is provided, args in EXTRACTION should (reference_path
                        must) be provided.
  --holes_batch HOLES_BATCH
                        number of holes in an batch to get/put in queues

  --model_file MODEL_FILE, -m MODEL_FILE
                        file path of the trained model (.ckpt)
  --model_type {attbilstm,attbigru,bilstm,bigru,transencoder,resnet18,attbigru2s}
                        type of model to use, 'attbilstm', 'attbigru',
                        'bilstm', 'bigru', 'transencoder', 'resnet18',
                        'attbigru2s', default: attbigru2s
  --seq_len SEQ_LEN     len of kmer. default 21
  --is_stds IS_STDS     if using std features at ccs level, yes or no. default
  --class_num CLASS_NUM
  --dropout_rate DROPOUT_RATE
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE, -b BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size, default 512
  --n_vocab N_VOCAB     base_seq vocab_size (15 base kinds from iupac)
  --n_embed N_EMBED     base_seq embedding_size
  --layer_rnn LAYER_RNN
                        BiRNN layer num, default 3
  --hid_rnn HID_RNN     BiRNN hidden_size for combined feature
  --layer_tfe LAYER_TFE
                        transformer encoder layer num, default 6
  --d_model_tfe D_MODEL_TFE
                        the number of expected features in the transformer
                        encoder/decoder inputs
  --nhead_tfe NHEAD_TFE
                        the number of heads in the multiheadattention models
  --nhid_tfe NHID_TFE   the dimension of the feedforward network model

  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        the file path to save the predicted result

  --ref REF             path to genome reference to be aligned, in fasta/fa
  --holeids_e HOLEIDS_E
                        file contains holeids to be extracted, default None
  --holeids_ne HOLEIDS_NE
                        file contains holeids not to be extracted, default
  --motifs MOTIFS       motif seq to be extracted, default: CG. can be multi
                        motifs splited by comma (no space allowed in the input
                        str), or use IUPAC alphabet, the mod_loc of all motifs
                        must be the same
  --mod_loc MOD_LOC     0-based location of the targeted base in the motif,
                        default 0
  --methy_label {1,0}   the label of the interested modified bases, this is
                        for training. 0 or 1, default 1
  --mapq MAPQ           MAPping Quality cutoff for selecting alignment items,
                        default 20
  --identity IDENTITY   identity cutoff for selecting alignment items, default
  --two_strands         after quality (mapq, identity) control, if then only
                        using CCS reads which have subreads in two strands
  --comb_strands        if combining features in two(+/-) strands of one site
  --depth DEPTH         (mean) depth (number of subreads) cutoff for selecting
                        high-quality aligned reads/kmers per strand of a CCS,
                        default 1.
  --norm {zscore,min-mean,min-max,mad}
                        method for normalizing ipd/pw in subread level.
                        zscore, min-mean, min-max or mad, default zscore
  --no_decode           not use CodecV1 to decode ipd/pw
  --num_subreads NUM_SUBREADS
                        info of max num of subreads to be extracted to output,
                        default 0
  --path_to_samtools PATH_TO_SAMTOOLS
                        full path to the executable binary samtools file. If
                        not specified, it is assumed that samtools is in the
  --seed SEED           seed for randomly selecting subreads, default 1234

The call_mods file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • readname: read name of the ccs read
  • read_depth: subreads depth of the ccs read
  • prob_0: [0, 1], the probability of the targeted base predicted as 0 (unmethylated)
  • prob_1: [0, 1], the probability of the targeted base predicted as 1 (methylated)
  • called_label: 0/1, unmethylated/methylated
  • k_mer: the kmer around the targeted base

4. call modification frequency

python /path/to/ccsmeth/scripts/call_modification_frequency.py -h
usage: call_modification_frequency.py [-h] --input_path INPUT_PATH
                                      --result_file RESULT_FILE [--bed]
                                      [--sort] [--prob_cf PROB_CF]
                                      [--rm_1strand] [--file_uid FILE_UID]

calculate frequency of interested sites at genome level

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_path INPUT_PATH, -i INPUT_PATH
                        a result file from call_modifications.py, or a
                        directory contains a bunch of result files.
  --result_file RESULT_FILE, -o RESULT_FILE
                        the file path to save the result
  --bed                 save the result in bedMethyl format
  --sort                sort items in the result
  --prob_cf PROB_CF     this is to remove ambiguous calls. if
                        abs(prob1-prob0)>=prob_cf, then we use the call. e.g.,
                        proc_cf=0 means use all calls. range [0, 1], default
  --rm_1strand          abandon ccs reads with only 1 strand subreads
  --file_uid FILE_UID   a unique str which all input files has, this is for
                        finding all input files and ignoring the un-input-
                        files in a input directory. if input_path is a file,
                        ignore this arg.

The modification_frequency file can be either saved in bedMethyl format (by setting --bed), or saved as a tab-delimited text file in the following format by default:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • prob_0_sum: sum of the probabilities of the targeted base predicted as 0 (unmethylated)
  • prob_1_sum: sum of the probabilities of the targeted base predicted as 1 (methylated)
  • count_modified: number of reads in which the targeted base counted as modified
  • count_unmodified: number of reads in which the targeted base counted as unmodified
  • coverage: number of reads aligned to the targeted base
  • modification_frequency: modification frequency
  • k_mer: the kmer around the targeted base

5. train models

ccsmeth train -h
usage: ccsmeth train [-h] --train_file TRAIN_FILE --valid_file VALID_FILE
                     --model_dir MODEL_DIR
                     [--model_type {attbilstm,attbigru,bilstm,bigru,transencoder,resnet18,attbigru2s}]
                     [--seq_len SEQ_LEN] [--is_stds IS_STDS]
                     [--class_num CLASS_NUM] [--dropout_rate DROPOUT_RATE]
                     [--n_vocab N_VOCAB] [--n_embed N_EMBED]
                     [--layer_rnn LAYER_RNN] [--hid_rnn HID_RNN]
                     [--layer_tfe LAYER_TFE] [--d_model_tfe D_MODEL_TFE]
                     [--nhead_tfe NHEAD_TFE] [--nhid_tfe NHID_TFE]
                     [--optim_type {Adam,RMSprop,SGD,Ranger}]
                     [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR] [--lr_decay LR_DECAY]
                     [--lr_decay_step LR_DECAY_STEP]
                     [--max_epoch_num MAX_EPOCH_NUM]
                     [--min_epoch_num MIN_EPOCH_NUM] [--pos_weight POS_WEIGHT]
                     [--tseed TSEED] [--step_interval STEP_INTERVAL]
                     [--init_model INIT_MODEL]

train a model, need two independent datasets for training and validating

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --train_file TRAIN_FILE
  --valid_file VALID_FILE

  --model_dir MODEL_DIR

  --model_type {attbilstm,attbigru,bilstm,bigru,transencoder,resnet18,attbigru2s}
                        type of model to use, 'attbilstm', 'attbigru',
                        'bilstm', 'bigru', 'transencoder', 'resnet18',
                        'attbigru2s', default: attbigru2s
  --seq_len SEQ_LEN     len of kmer. default 21
  --is_stds IS_STDS     if using std features at ccs level, yes or no. default
  --class_num CLASS_NUM
  --dropout_rate DROPOUT_RATE
  --n_vocab N_VOCAB     base_seq vocab_size (15 base kinds from iupac)
  --n_embed N_EMBED     base_seq embedding_size
  --layer_rnn LAYER_RNN
                        BiRNN layer num, default 3
  --hid_rnn HID_RNN     BiRNN hidden_size for combined feature
  --layer_tfe LAYER_TFE
                        transformer encoder layer num, default 6
  --d_model_tfe D_MODEL_TFE
                        the number of expected features in the transformer
                        encoder/decoder inputs
  --nhead_tfe NHEAD_TFE
                        the number of heads in the multiheadattention models
  --nhid_tfe NHID_TFE   the dimension of the feedforward network model
  --optim_type {Adam,RMSprop,SGD,Ranger}
                        type of optimizer to use, 'Adam' or 'SGD' or 'RMSprop'
                        or 'Ranger', default Adam
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
  --lr LR
  --lr_decay LR_DECAY
  --lr_decay_step LR_DECAY_STEP
  --max_epoch_num MAX_EPOCH_NUM
                        max epoch num, default 50
  --min_epoch_num MIN_EPOCH_NUM
                        min epoch num, default 10
  --pos_weight POS_WEIGHT
  --tseed TSEED         random seed for pytorch
  --step_interval STEP_INTERVAL
  --init_model INIT_MODEL
                        file path of pre-trained model parameters to load
                        before training


  • We thank Tse et al., The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Department of Chemical Pathology, for sharing their code and data, as reported in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2021; 118(5): e2019768118. We made use of their data and code for evaluation and comparison.
  • We thank Akbari et al., as part of the code for haplotyping were taken from NanoMethPhase of Akbari et al.


Copyright (C) 2021 Jianxin Wang, Feng Luo, Peng Ni

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Jianxin Wang, Peng Ni, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China

Feng Luo, School of Computing, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA