CircleCI Meetup

This repository is for the meetup:

With this repository, you can learn:

  • How to add comments to GitHub issues using GitHub API v3.
  • How to run commands after a git push/PR using CircleCI

What to do with this repository

1.Fork and Set up

You can fork the repo from the top right Fork button. Then clone and set up it with this command:

git clone{your_username}/circleci-meetup
cd circleci-meetup
yarn install

2.Play with .circleci/comment_from_local.js

  • You can send comments to GitHub Issues with command node .cicleci/comment_from_local.js
  • But before that you need to change some variables in .cicleci/comment_from_local.js in your forked repository.
    • AUTH: Add your Personal access tokens into AUTH to add permission to comment. You can get it from And make sure you check public_repo (Access public repositories) option.
    • USERNAME: Change it into your username.
    • ISSUE_NUMBER: Add issue number you want to add comments to. At first, your forked repo has no issues, so you need to make an issue from repo on the GitHub web page.

3.Connect your repository with CircleCI

  • Go to CircleCI web page.
  • Sign Up with GitHub (if you don't have account).
  • From ADD PROJECTS, add circleci-meetup repository.
  • (You can get default config.yml(Linux/node). Compare with .circleci/config.yml in this repo.)
  • Start building! And it should fail. Go to next to fix it.

4.Fix Fizz Buzz and Commit it

  • src/index.js: This is a simple module for Fizz Buzz
  • text/test.js: Test code for src/index.js. You can run this with yarn test. Let's try it.
  • Fix src/index.js.
  • Make feature branch.
git checkout -b fizzbuzz-1
  • Make commit and pull request
git add src/index.js
git commit -m "Fix Fizz Buzz"
git push origin fizzbuzz-1

5.See what circleCI did.

You can see results, variables and cashing from circleCI builds page. And see comment_from_circleci.js and config.yml.

.circleci/comment_from_circleci.js is similar to .circleci/comment_from_local.js Check these to learn about config.yml


Thank you to Code Chrysalis, without you this meetup and repository wouldn't exist.