Experimental Linux KVM projects
This assumes that KVM, libvirt, and associated tools have been installed. Usually, there is a folder called ~/.local/share/libvirt/images/ that is created in the user's home directory.
The following can be run from a CentOS Stream 9 host and creates a CentOS Stream 9 guest image that will be used as a template image.
Make sure you have downloaded a CentOS Stream 9 ISO into your home directory as well.
qemu-img create -f qcow2 ~/.local/share/libvirt/images/gold-template-image.qcow2 20G
virt-install \
--name gold-template-centos-stream-9-vm \
--ram 2048 \
--disk path=~/.local/share/libvirt/images/gold-template-image.qcow2,size=20 \
--vcpus 2 \
--os-variant centos-stream9 \
--network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio \
--graphics none \
--console pty,target_type=serial \
--location ~/CentOS-Stream-9-latest-x86_64-dvd1.iso \
--extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8'
cd KVM