The Digital Embassy Front End Developer Exercise

Blow us away with an awesome looking & responsive page layout using HTML, SCSS, and JS that is based on the provided Wireframe.

The wireframe is rough is purposefully open ended - what you do is up to you. It does not require backend functionality i.e. the contact form does not need to be connected to a backend service.

The only requirement are that the 5 sections below are in the page you create, how they show up, how they look or what order they appear is up to you!

  • Header
  • About us
  • Services
  • Contact us
  • Footer


  • Feel free to explore responsive concepts with the menu and other elements you feel might need it
  • You have full creative control, if you don't like the way the wireframe's menu is laid out, change it and show us how it's supposed to be done.
  • You may use any libraries, frameworks or tools you like.
  • There is no requirement for a back end, however you can add one if you feel it's necessary
  • Custom fonts, crazy CSS tricks, eye catching animations etc aren't required but will go a long way to impressing us!

Files Contained

  • Wireframe images for each section
  • Logo

Result should include

  • HTML5 output file
  • SCSS source file(s)
  • Resulting CSS file
  • Any javascript files used

In short, it can be anything - spend as much time or as little as you want.

Get creative! The bolder the better.

Thank you The Digital Embassy

For the opportunity