
Fluentd Output plugin to replay alert notification for PagerDuty.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Fluentd Output plugin to relay alert notification from application to PagerDuty.


install with td-agnet-gem or fluent-gem, gem command as:

# for td-agent2 (recommend)
$ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-pagerduty -v 0.0.1

# for td-agent
$ sudo /usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-pagerduty -v 0.0.1

# for system installed fluentd
$ gem install fluent-plugin-pagerduty


screenshot 2017-03-18 18 20 43

  1. add service selecting Service Type : Generic API system on PagerDuty websites
  2. copy API Key from the Services page.
  3. install fluent-plugin-pagerduty with gem or fluent-gem command.
  4. create fluentd configuration like below.
  5. restart fluentd process.
  6. send test message for fluent-plugin-pagerduty


Simple alert (JSON pass-thru)

In this example, a JSON record already conforming to the PagerDuty API is processed by Fluentd and passed through to PagerDuty as-is, triggering a simple alert.

  @type forward

  @type http
  port 8888

<match notify.pagerduty>
  type pagerduty
  service_key ******************
# via forward
$ echo '{"description":"Form validation has failed","details":{"name":"success","mail":"failed"}}' | fluent-cat notify.pagerduty

# via http
$ curl http://localhost:8888/notify.pagerduty -F 'json={"description":"Form validation has failed","details":{"name":"success","mail":"failed"}}'

Advanced alert (transformed JSON)

In this example, a JSON record is referenced to build a PagerDuty event with an incident key for managing de-duplication.

  @type forward

  @type http
  port 8888

<match notify.pagerduty>
  type pagerduty
  service_key   ******************
  description   Alarm@${Node["Location"]}:: ${Log["Message"]}
  incident_key  [${tag_parts[-1]}] ${Log["File"]}:${Log["Line"]}
# via forward
$ echo '{"Node":{"Location":"Somewhere","IP Address":""},"Log":{"Level": "ERROR","File":"FooBar.cpp","Line":42,"Message":"A very important logging message"}}' | fluent-cat notify.pagerduty

# via http
$ curl http://localhost:8888/notify.pagerduty -F 'json={"Node":{"Location":"Somewhere","IP Address":""},"Log":{"Level": "ERROR","File":"FooBar.cpp","Line":42,"Message":"A very important logging message"}}'

Option Parameters

  • service_key (required)

    The unique API identifier generated for each PagerDuty service belonging to a PagerDuty account. Must be present for any PagerDuty events.

  • event_type (optional)

    The PagerDuty event type: trigger, acknowledge, or resolve. If unspecified, the default is trigger.

  • description (conditionally required)

    The message content of a PagerDuty event. PagerDuty event types of trigger must contain a description. The content of the description may be built using Placeholders (see next section).

  • incident_key (optional)

    The identifier used for PagerDuty's de-duplication of events. The content of the incident key may be built using Placeholders (see next section).


These placeholders are available:

  • ${…}
    • hashName["key"] Value of key in named hash

    • arrayName[N] Value at index N in named array

    • primitive Value of named primitive

      Placeholders are built recursively and concatenated. For example, a specific value within a hash containing an array of hashes could be referenced as: ${foo["bar"][2]["baz"]}.

  • ${tag} Input tag
  • ${tag_parts[N]} Input tag splitted by '.' indexed with N such as ${tag_parts[0]}, ${tag_parts[-1]}.

Placeholder functionality is derived from features of fluent-plugin-record-reformer.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


patches welcome!


Copyright (c) 2013- Kentaro Yoshida (@yoshi_ken)


Apache License, Version 2.0