
Unable to gem install plugin

sidprak opened this issue · 7 comments

I receive the following error when I try to install this plugin. Is the plugin still published? I've also tried using fluent-gem to install and run into the same error.

gem install fluent-plugin-pagerduty
ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'fluent-plugin-pagerduty' (>= 0) in any repository
ERROR:  Possible alternatives: fluent-plugin-tagdata, fluent-plugin-tagged_udp, fluent-plugin-arduino, fluent-plugin-assert, fluent-plugin-dedup
y-ken commented

This plugin does not released yet. Please use pagerduty from another tools like datadog.
I have started to implement before, it does not successed due to the pagerduty gem error.

2017-03-14 18:31:21 +0900 [error]: #0 pagerduty: request failed.  error_class=Net::HTTPServerException error="400 \"Bad Request\""
y-ken commented

Hi #2 has merged.
But, Does it work on you environment?

Would you please check the behavior?

test step

# git clone or your working directory
$ git clone https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-pagerduty.git
$ cd fluent-plugin-pagerduty
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
$ bundle exec fluentd -c fluent.conf
$ cat fluent.conf
  @type forward

<match notify.*>
  @type pagerduty
  service_key ******
$ echo '{"description":"something error","details":"abc"}' | bundle exec fluent-cat notify.pagerduty

how to get api key


Yes, it works for my environment but we integrate it using a service token rather than a user token. See screenshot:
screenshot 2017-03-18 18 20 43

y-ken commented

I got why I had failed to run it.

y-ken commented

I've released it now! Would you please try it on?

@y-ken it works! It's installed in my environment now. Thank you!

y-ken commented

Sounds great!