Heath On The Go

Health on the Go app for AngelHack Hackathon

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In areas without mobile data, how can health care professionals access patient data


  • A patient record system which authorised users (Health Care Workers) could query using SMS


  • A Rails Application that medical staff can sign into, input patient information and input medical information
  • The Doctor or Health Care worker can also query this data through SMS (using Twilio) and receive an immediate update

Further Features

  • Ability to digitise current records
  • Ability to add to patient records through SMS

Why should this idea win?

Better Outcomes for Patients - Lack of access to their history and medical data affects treatment chances of patients considerably. Removing this barrier could increase their chances of recovery.

Eliminate Pain Point for Rural Doctors - Having access to patient history and patient test results in real time give Health Care professionals a better understanding of the most effective treatment to administer.

Better Understanding of Health Care trends - With more effective data collection, more in depth analysis about community health and trends can be done.


  • The market for this is in communities which have mobile signal but do not have access to mobile internet
  • Patient data can be anonymised and used for research projects
  • Could also be funded through community health projects and charities keen on improving global access to healthcare
  • It could be a sustainable business model as it could be provided as SaaS with a monthly fee


  • We focused on building an MVP which incorporates some of the most important features

    • Medical professionals can sign in with their credentials and create/update medical records for each patient.
    • Medical records are stored on a database.
    • Medical professionals can query the data by sending a text to the Twilio number with the patient's name.
  • Technology used: Ruby on Rails, Twilio API


  • We spoke to a doctor in Nigeria who highlighted the difficulties he has with treating patients in rural areas. The things we had to take into account:
    • Limiting queries to only vital information so that length of texts can be kept short
    • Ease of use for patient information input from admin teams
    • Ease of use in querying the data


  • While leaps have been made in the rural healthcare space, such as tele-health (which allows rural doctors to communicate with specialists to obtain a better diagnosis), there has been little done to improve recording and accessing patients' data in rural areas.

  • Implements a solution where mobile data/internet is not required. Users only need a basic phone with ability to send and receive messages.


  • While we would focus on one small community to test out our concept, this can be expanded to other rural communities easily.


  • It will make an impact through improving healthcare in rural areas.