
woff2 -> ttf converter using Google's woff2 C++ compressor/decompressor for Google Fonts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This will convert woff2's from Google Fonts to TTF, and save it to an outfile on most Unix-based systems (command-line) with Python.

Quick Start Guide

This README cleanly documents how to use woff2Convert, but will not document how to use, build, or run Google's woff2 compressor/decompressor. You should read their README file for more information about how to build woff2.

This assumes that you have NOT built woff2 yet, as there is a submodule that will pull in the most recent version (from GitHub HTTPS) of woff2.


There is minimal setup in starting with woff2Convert, but the following sections are good to consider before attempting to use the script.

Python Modules

You will need the following Python modules:

  • PyYAML

You can get PyYAML using pip.

pip install pyyaml

We also use the following built-in Python modules:

  • os
  • sys
  • getopt
  • urllib2

We're going to assume you've made the python file executable:

chmod +x woff2Convert.py

Configuration File

There is a YAML configuration file for default values. The values (mostly) can be changed via the command line arguments, but I will list the description of each configuration key here.

Key Description
woff2Path The directory that your binaries for Google's woff2 exist[1].
defaultOutputDir The default directory to store the converted files in
defaultFamily Not practical, but if you want to use a default font family when you don't specify it in the command
defaultCharset Google has many different charsets (eg. latin, vietnamese, latin-ext, etc).. default for that
keepFile Do you wanna keep your woff2 files? If so, set this to "True" ... Boolean

[1]: It is worth noting that this will likely be the woff2 directory inside the woff2Convert directory if you used the submodule with this repo. You need to specify the whole file path, though. It's not relative to the python file.


The script accepts the following arguments:

Argument Shorthand Description
--family="Helvetica" -f "Helvetica" Font family you want to convert
--outdir="/path/to/dir" -o "/path/to/dir" Path to the output directory
--charset="latin" -c "latin" Character set that you want

All command arguments are optional, as you can technically define a default value for all of them in the configuration file. However, it is unlikely that you will define a value other than "None" for defaultFamily, so you will most likely use the command with the --family value most.

Example usage:

./woff2Convert.py --family="Noticia Text"

Example shorthand usage:

./woff2Convert.py -f "Noticia Text"