
CLI for AWS Price List API.

Primary LanguageGo


CLI for AWS Price List Bulk API.



Download binary from releases.

Put it into your $PATH.


$ brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/y13i/awsprice/master/homebrew/awsprice.rb


$ awsprice [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]



List all offer codes.

$ awsprice listOffers | head -10


List all regions of specified offer. (note: --offerCode defaults to AmazonEC2)

$ awsprice listOfferRegions | head -5
$ awsprice listOfferRegions --offerCode AmazonLex
Command Options
--offerCode value, -o value

(default: AmazonEC2)

A unique code for the product of an AWS service.


List all versions of specified offer.

$ awsprice listOfferVersions | head -10
Command Options
--offerCode value, -o value


List product families of the offer products.

$ awsprice listProductFamilies
  "Compute Instance",
  "Data Transfer",
  "Dedicated Host",
  "IP Address",
  "Load Balancer",
  "Load Balancer-Application",
  "NAT Gateway",
  "Storage Snapshot",
  "System Operation",
Command Options
--offerCode value, -o value
--region value, -r value

AWS region code. If nvironment variable $AWS_REGION is set, it will be used as this option value

--offerVersion value

(default: current version)

The version of the offer file.

Example: 20170302183221

--productFamily value, -p value

Filter products by the name of product family.

Accept multiple values.

-p familyName1 -p familyName2
--attribute value, -a value

Filter products by the attribute in KEY=[VALUE] format.

Accept multiple values.

-a attribute1=value1 -a attribute2= -a ...


List attributes of the offer products.

$ awsprice listAttributes | head -10
  "instanceCapacity2xlarge": []awsprice.AttributeValue{
  "physicalCores": []awsprice.AttributeValue{
$ awsprice listAttributes -o AmazonRoute53 -r "" | head -10
  "group": []awsprice.AttributeValue{
  "routingType": []awsprice.AttributeValue{
    "Geo DNS",
    "Latency Based Routing",
Command Options
--offerCode value, -o value
--region value, -r value
--offerVersion value
--productFamily value, -p value
--attribute value, -a value


List products match given filters.

$ awsprice listProducts -p "Compute Instance" -a "instanceType=t2.micro" -a "operatingSystem=Linux" -a "tenancy=Shared"
    SKU:           "N4D3MGNKSH7Q9KT3",
    ProductFamily: "Compute Instance",
    Attributes:    {
      "preInstalledSw":        "NA",
      "location":              "US West (Oregon)",
      "locationType":          "AWS Region",
      "operatingSystem":       "Linux",
      "usagetype":             "USW2-BoxUsage:t2.micro",
      "operation":             "RunInstances",
      "ecu":                   "Variable",
      "currentGeneration":     "Yes",
      "physicalProcessor":     "Intel Xeon Family",
      "memory":                "1 GiB",
      "processorArchitecture": "32-bit or 64-bit",
      "servicecode":           "AmazonEC2",
      "instanceFamily":        "General purpose",
      "storage":               "EBS only",
      "tenancy":               "Shared",
      "licenseModel":          "No License required",
      "processorFeatures":     "Intel AVX; Intel Turbo",
      "instanceType":          "t2.micro",
      "vcpu":                  "1",
      "clockSpeed":            "Up to 3.3 GHz",
      "networkPerformance":    "Low to Moderate",
Command Options
--offerCode value, -o value
--region value, -r value
--offerVersion value
--productFamily value, -p value
--attribute value, -a value


List term types.

$ awsprice listTermTypes
$ awsprice listTermTypes -o AmazonRDS
$ awsprice listTermTypes -o AmazonS3
Command Options
--offerCode value, -o value
--region value, -r value
--offerVersion value


List offer terms of products match given filters.

$ awsprice listProductTerms -a "instanceType=c4.2xlarge" -a "operatingSystem=Linux" -a "tenancy=Shared"
    Product: awsprice.Product{
      SKU:           "YBN8Q7AQJD9ZT57S",
      ProductFamily: "Compute Instance",
      Attributes:    {
        "vcpu":                        "8",
        "storage":                     "EBS only",
        "dedicatedEbsThroughput":      "1000 Mbps",
        "location":                    "US West (Oregon)",
        "instanceType":                "c4.2xlarge",
        "instanceFamily":              "Compute optimized",
        "locationType":                "AWS Region",
        "ecu":                         "31",
        "licenseModel":                "No License required",
        "enhancedNetworkingSupported": "Yes",
        "preInstalledSw":              "NA",
        "processorFeatures":           "Intel AVX; Intel AVX2; Intel Turbo",
        "processorArchitecture":       "64-bit",
        "tenancy":                     "Shared",
        "operatingSystem":             "Linux",
        "clockSpeed":                  "2.9 GHz",
        "memory":                      "15 GiB",
        "networkPerformance":          "High",
        "usagetype":                   "USW2-BoxUsage:c4.2xlarge",
        "operation":                   "RunInstances",
        "servicecode":                 "AmazonEC2",
        "currentGeneration":           "Yes",
        "physicalProcessor":           "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
    OfferTerms: {
      "YBN8Q7AQJD9ZT57S.JRTCKXETXF": awsprice.OfferTerm{
        OfferTermCode:   "JRTCKXETXF",
        SKU:             "YBN8Q7AQJD9ZT57S",
        EffectiveDate:   "2017-06-01T00:00:00Z",
        PriceDimensions: {
          "YBN8Q7AQJD9ZT57S.JRTCKXETXF.6YS6EN2CT7": awsprice.PriceDimension{
            RateCode:     "YBN8Q7AQJD9ZT57S.JRTCKXETXF.6YS6EN2CT7",
            Description:  "$0.398 per On Demand Linux c4.2xlarge Instance Hour",
            BeginRange:   "0",
            EndRange:     "Inf",
            Unit:         "Hrs",
            PricePerUnit: {
              "USD": "0.3980000000",
            AppliesTo: awsprice.AppliesTo{},
        TermAttributes: awsprice.TermAttributes{},
Command Options
--offerCode value, -o value
--region value, -r value
--offerVersion value
--productFamily value, -p value
--attribute value, -a value
--termType value

(default: OnDemand)

Type of the terms. "OnDemand" or "Reserved".

--priceUnit value

(default: USD)

Unit of prices.

Not used. Currently.

--termAttribute value, -t value

Filter terms by the term attribute in KEY=[VALUE] format.

Accept multiple values.

-t attribute1=value1 -t attribute2= -t ...

help, h

Shows a list of commands or help for one command.

To view subcommand usage...

$ awsprice help [command name]

Global Options

--format value, -f value

(default: pp)

Output format. ("pp" or "json")

--cacheTTL value

(default: 24h)

Max age of cache. If existing cache file is older than this value, cache will be recreated. using time.ParseDuration(s string).


Remove all cache files before exiting.

--help, -h

Show help.

--version, -v

Print the version.