This is a sample Go package structure designed with a layered architecture following DDD (Domain-Driven Design) principles.
graph TD
B[Use Case]
A --> B
B --> C
D --> C
|-- /cmd
| |-- /myapp
| |-- main.go
|-- /domain
| |-- /model
| | |-- user.go
| |-- /repository
| | |-- user_repository.go
| |-- /service
| |-- user_service.go
|-- /application
| |-- /usecase
| | |-- user_usecase.go
| |-- /event
| | |-- user_created_event.go
| |-- /dto
| | └── user_dto.go
|-- /infrastructure
│ ├── persistence/
│ │ ├── entity/
│ │ │ └── user_entity.go
│ │ └── repository/
│ │ └── user_repository_impl.go
│ └── mysql/
│ └── mysql_config.go
|-- /interface
│ ├── handler/
│ │ └── user_handler.go
| |-- /middleware
| |-- auth_middleware.go
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
- Description: Contains the application's entry points. Typically used for the main function that starts the application.
- Description: Represents the core business logic and entities of the application. It encapsulates the business rules and domain models.
: Contains the domain entities and value objects.repository
: Defines interfaces for accessing data sources, such as databases or external services.service
: Implements domain-specific business logic that doesn't naturally fit within an entity or value object.
- Description: Contains application-specific business rules and orchestrates the flow of data.
: Orchestrates the flow of data to and from the entities and communicates between the domain and the interface layers.event
: Contains events that are triggered by certain actions within the application, allowing for decoupled and reactive architectures.dto
: Contains Data Transfer Objects used for data communication within the application layer.
- Description: Provides concrete implementations of the repository interfaces, external services, and other technical concerns.
: Contains implementations for accessing and storing data, typically database integrations.entity
: Contains structures reflecting the database table structures.repository
: Contains the concrete implementations of the repository interfaces.
: Specific implementations and configurations for a MySQL database.
- Description: Handles the interaction between the user and the application.
: Contains the logic for handling specific API endpoints.middleware
: Implements cross-cutting concerns like authentication, logging, and error handling.