
focal loss (multi-class) for lightgbm/xgboost

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focal loss in lightgbm(xgboost) for multi-class

This loss function contains focal loss[1],now only support lightgbm for multi-class(classes > 3,it will support xgboost and binary class task later)

focal loss

and alpha,gamma is the parameter of focal loss,which is:


alpha is used for imbalanced sample(It's no use while in multi-class task),and gamma is used for hard-to-learn sample,and in multi-class problem,it's seems that the alpha is no use.

in xgboost/lightgbm,we should provide the calculate formula of grad and hess.

while the first derivative of multi-class loss function is(From: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/149419189): image

and the second derivative is:


To speed up the calculate of loss function,we calculate this formula by numpy.


1.import loss function lib

import lightgbm as lgb
import lossfunction as lf
import numpy as np

2.init loss function

focal_loss_lgb = lf.ComplexLoss(gamma = 0.5)
param_dist= {'objective':focal_loss_lgb.focal_loss}
param_dist['num_class'] = '3'
clf_lgb = lgb.LGBMClassifier(**param_dist,random_state=2021)

3.train your dataset

clf_lgb.fit(X_train, y_train)

4.get probability result in your dataset

Here val_data is your validation dataset.

lgb_prob = clf_lgb.predict_proba(val_data)
lgb_prob = np.exp(lgb_prob)
results_lgb_prob = np.multiply(lgb_prob, 1/np.sum(lgb_prob, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])

and results_lgb_prob is the probability of your validation dataset.


[1] Lin T Y , Goyal P , Girshick R , et al. Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2017, PP(99):2999-3007.