
STAT628 hw2

Primary LanguageR



In this project, our group will come up with a simple, robust, and accurate “rule-of-thumb” to estimate percentage of body fat using clinically available measurements.
Our “rule-of-thumb” will be based on a real data set of 252 men with measurements of their percentage of body fat and various body circumference measurements.

This folder contains the raw and (if relevant) cleaned data.

This folder contains all the code for our analysis (e.g. cleaning the data, running the analysis, producing figures/tables, etc.)

This folder contains any figures/images/tables produced in our analysis.

The two-page summary file contains the summary of this project.

This fold contains the shiny app and if you want to run it, open main.R and run in R or browser.
Also you can visit https://yukun.shinyapps.io/Bodyfat_shiny_app/ to use it.