
Graph-based framework for text classification

Primary LanguagePython


Graph-based framework for text classification

This is the code for the paper "Fusing Document, Collection and Label Graph-based Representations with Word Embeddings for Text Classification", presented at the TextGraphs workshop, NAACL 2018, New Orleans, USA. Our paper got the Best Paper Award!


Our implementation includes 6 datasets: 20newsgroups, IMDB, WebKb, Reuters, Subjectivity and Amazon. We use the fetch_20newsgroups built-in python to get the 20newsgroup dataset. For the IMDB dataset, you can download it here. We add all remaining datasets here, due to GitHub size limits.

Files ending with main.py contain tf and tf-idf, and files ending with gow.py contain the tw, tw-idf, tw-icw and tw-icw-lw methods.


Inside each file there are several parameters to set in order to get the result of the desired method.

parameters for main.py files

  • bag_of_words: use our tf-idf or the tf-idf vectorizer(scikit-learn)
  • ngrams_par: the number of ngrams
  • idf_bool: use idf or not

parameters for gow.py files

  • idf_pars: {"no","idf","icw”,”icw-lw”}, "no" for tw method, "idf" for tw-idf, "icw" for tw-icw, “icw-lw” for tw-icw-lw
  • sliding_window: the parameter for creating edges between words. 2 is for connecting only to the next word
  • centrality_par: the centrality metric which we use for term weighting (e.g. weighted_degree_centrality for weighted w2v version)
  • centrality_col_par: the centrality metric which we use for the collection graph


For the WebKb dataset you go in the example/:

  • for tf run: webkb_main.py with parameter idf_bool = False
  • for tf-idf run: python webkb_main.py with parameter idf_bool = True
  • for tw with degree centrality run: python webkb_gow.py with parameter idf_par="no"
  • for tw-idf with degree centrality run: python webkb_gow.py with parameter idf_par="idf"
  • for tw-icw with degree centrality on both tw and icw run: python webkb_gow.py with parameter idf_par="icw"
  • for tf-icw with degree centrality on icw run: python webkb_gow.py with parameter idf_par="tf-icw"
  • for tw-icw-lw with degree centrality on both tw,icw and lw run: python webkb_gow.py with parameter idf_par="icw-lw"


Please cite using the following BibTeX entry if you use our code (same with Google Scholar):

    title={Fusing Document, Collection and Label Graph-based Representations with Word Embeddings for Text Classification},
    author={Skianis, Konstantinos and Malliaros, Fragkiskos and Vazirgiannis, Michalis},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on Graph-Based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-12)},