
Test automation framework designed to provide comprehensive, reliable, efficient, effective and resilient validation of applications and services with a reasonably sized test library and reduced test maintenance.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Software Gauntlet

Automation framework for the testing of any site or service. The framework is designed to provide comprehensive, reliable, efficient, effective and resilient validation with a reasonably sized test library.

Onboarding (Windows)

In a PowerShell console, execute 'Install-GauntletWorkstation.ps1' found at the root of the repository.
It will require restarting the console multiple times to complete each install.

  • PowerShell (5.0)
  • Chocolatey
  • JDK9 (Java 1.9)
  • Git
  • PoshGit (powershell support for Git)
  • IntelliJ

Onboarding (Mac)

In a Terminal console, execute 'Install-Gauntlet-Mac.sh' found at the root of the repository.

  • HomeBrew
  • JDK8 (Java 1.8)
  • Git
  • Gradle
  • IntelliJ

Gradle may not be set in the Path so you will need to run: 'sudo chmod 755 gradlew' then ./gradlew clean should work.

Test Execution

In a console, in the project directory:

.\gradlew.bat clean [suite]

EXAMPLE for Environment Validation Test (EVT):

.\gradlew.bat clean evt

NOTE: On first execution, gradle will install necessary files before executing the build. This is a one-time install.


The appropriate WebDriver executables MUST be added to main/resources. By default, IF chromedriver.exe exists in that location, Google Chrome will be used by default. The following default DriverInstantiation implementations are available:

  • DefaultChromeInstantiation for Google Chrome
  • DefaultHtmlUnitInstantiation for HtmlUnit (headless)
  • DefaultFirefoxInstantiation for Mozilla Firefox
  • DefaultIeInstantiation for Microsoft InternetExplorer

To utilize any of these configurations, simply put the appropriate WebDriver executable in src/main/resources, and in your code call UiHost.getInstance([DriverInstantiation]). For example, in a @BeforeMethod, add the following:


For reference, these default configurations are located in the UiNavigator jar file under 'driver'. To implement an alternate configuration of any of these browsers, OR to add support for a different browser or mobile device, implement a new DriverInstantiation.

For example:

public class CookieFreeFullScreenChromeInstantiation extends DriverInstantiation {

    public static DriverInstantiation getInstance() {
        return new CookieFreeFullScreenChromeInstantiation();

    protected ChromeDriver instantiateDriver() {
        System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "./src/main/resources/chromedriver.exe");
        return new ChromeDriver();

    protected void configureDriver(WebDriver driver) {
        driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Test Files

  • All tests reside in src/test/java and are organized by the view or data that will be validated
  • All other supporting components reside in src/main/java and are organized by the components they support, in hierarchical fashion

Test Structure

  • For each view, region or data model, the following files can be expected
    • Interface
      • all UI or data elements that can be analyzed
      • all 'in[Region]' methods
      • contains NO 'actions' or other methods
    • Validator
      • reconciles an Actual result with an Expected result
      • all verifications to be executed
      • all 'child' validators to be run
    • View
      • inherits a view interface
      • 'actions' which result in a state or view transition
        • click
        • select
        • login
        • register
        • edit
        • etc.
      • 'expect' called when an action performed that may result in a state change
      • 'directNav' to load a view directly in the browser
      • 'in[Region]' to return a particular 'Region' of a view
        • inHeader
        • inContent
        • inFooter
        • inTopNav
        • etc.
    • Data
      • inherits a test-appropriate data model interface
    • Expected
      • inherits a view or data interface
      • contains the business logic necessary to determine the expected value of all elements, based on provided data scenario
  • Each test follows the following format:
    • Test data acquisition

      • via a Test Data Provider
      • either within the test method or via a TestNG DataProvider
      • returns all data for a specific test scenario
    • Expected result determination

      • expected classes contain detailed business logic used to determine specific expected results of all elements to be verified
    • Actual result acquisition

      • includes all steps to be performed
        • shortest path possible to a view to be validated
        • shortest path possible to an action that will cause a data transition
      • as much as possible, all methods are chained for readability
    • Validation

      • always in the form of

      confirm(Validator.getInstance(expected, actual).validate());

      • executes all verifications for a given view or data element (e.g. for regions within a view)