Try to build many kinds of autoencoder. Currently got vanilla autoencoder and variantional autoencoder only. RAE, and VRAE will be added in the future.
Use the example from tensorflow example tutorial.
The training process will save model in Model/AE/
make sure the folder exist otherwise the files will failed to saved.
During the evaluation, pretrained model will be restored for further testing.
# train
# test
Also, the model graph will be save in Log/AE/
folder before training. Use the following command to visualize the model graph.
# launch tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir=Log/AE
The model configure defined in
Similar to AE, model saved in Model/VAE/
, graph in Log/VAE/
, and the model configure defined in
# train
# test
# launch tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir=Log/VAE
Different to the previous example restores whole model for evaluation, this example only restores the decoder for using.
Use config to specify model architecture.
In the config, "model"
and "loss"
must be defined.
There is also an optional setting "random_init"
for setting how variables are initialized.
is a list of blocks, and each block has it own "name"
, which will be the scope name of block.
Blocks can be nested by define "blocks"
, which is also a list of bloocks.
Also, each block has "layers"
, a list of layers, which would be FC, RNN, CNN, anrd etc. (Currently only FC are available.)
Each layer must have its own unique "name"
, and what "type"
it is.
Different type of layers have different attributes to fill in. Check
or example config file for more information.
config = {
"random_init": custom_random_init
"model": [
# list of blocks
"name": "block name",
"blocks": [
# list of blocks
"layers": [
# list of layers
"type": "FC",
"name": "layer_name",
"input": "some input layer",
"output_size": 100,
"activation": tf.nn.tanh
"loss": [
"name": "loss name",
"weight": 1,
"ground_truth": "some label layer",
"prediction": "some output layer",
"loss_func": custom_loss_func
define the optimisation objective.
In default, loss function is the MSE between "ground_truth"
and "prediction"
. If "loss_func"
is defined, it will pass "ground_truth"
and "prediction"
to the custom loss function.
is the loss weighting to trade with other loss.
For variational autoencoder, loss of sampler, which is KL divergence, will be add to total loss automatically.
from autoencoder.model import Model
# build model
model = Model(config)
# specity training parameters, not actually training
# init tensorflow variables
# train
# need to find the tensor with its name in the graph
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
model_input = graph.get_tensor_by_name("input_node_name:0"), feed_dict={model_input: data})
# test full model, feed_dict={model_input: data})
# test encoder, feed_dict={model_input: data})
# test decoder, feed_dict={model_decoder_input: data})
tensorflow 1.7.1
tensorboard 1.7.0