
WI2021 ECE143 Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Board Game Analysis and Recommendation System

WI2021 ECE143 Project Team1


  • Data files should be downloaded from Kaggle
    • place both bgg-15m-reviews.csv and games_detailed_info.csv in Data/ directory
  • environment.yml records the modules and their versions used in the project
    • Third-party modules: numpy, pandas, nltk, scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn, wordcloud, wget, Pillow
    • Create a conda environemnt by running the following command: conda env create -f environment.yml

View Data Analysis

  • Open Main.ipynb to view/generate all presented data analysis figures and results
    • Install Jupyter notebook by following this instruction
    • Run jupyter notebook to open the notebook

Launch GUI

  • Call the following command in the root directory: python3 gui.py
  • For a full demo on how to interact with GUI, refer to this video

File Descriptions

  1. preprocessing.py: contains functions used to preprocess data
  2. analysis.py: contains functions for generating data analysis plots
  3. recommendation_utils.py: contains functions used to power the recommendation system
  4. filter.py: contains filtering functions used for the GUI
  5. gui.py: contains Game and Gui classes used to build and run the GUI
  6. Main.ipynb: Jupyter notebook that generates visuals from the analysis and the recommendation system
  7. assignment_test_case.ipynb: Jupyter notebook that includes assignment test cases for HW1
  8. Data/: directory that contains games and reviews data used for analysis and recommendation along with a blank image used in gui.py
  9. presentation.pdf: pdf file of the presentation