Social Networks (Blogs) Media Broadcaster

Was a final year project at uni. I guess you could say that this is a data driven application.


$ py [-h] [-p] blog_settings_file option_id credentials_file

With Docker

$ docker-compose up

Note. Currently Docker is set up to run cron to regularly call the script/app, broadcasting images to different blogs.

An example of a a cron job in the crontab file:

0 */9 * * * /usr/local/bin/python3.6 /usr/src/app/ /media/root/ssd_name/settings/blog_settings.json 0 /media/root/ssd_name/settings/credentials_keys.json > /dev/null 2>&1


Examples of posts to Twitter Twitter example
Examples of posts to Tumblr Tumblr exampleTumblr exampleTumblr example
Examples of posts to Telegram Telegram example
Examples of posts to VK

Blog options json file

Parameter Available Options
social_network "telegram", "tumblr", "twitter", "vk"
blog_username The username of your blog
content_type "text","image","image+text"
tags List of hash tags that will be attached to the post. Example: ["yolo","greatday"]
content Is a list of items to post that have parameters of ther own

Content parameters

Parameter Available Options
content_type "text", "image"
directory (only used with "image" content_type) "/path/to/images"
recursive_folders (only used with "image" content_type) true, false
selection_alg "random", "description"
broadcast_history_ftype (used with "image" content_type) "json"
broadcast_history (used with "image" content_type) "/path/to/history_log_file.json"
data_format (only used with "text" content_type) "json", "database"
data_file (only used with "text" content_type) "nameoffile.json", "/path/to/sqlite.db"
format_rules (only used with "text" content_type) Takes values from "data_file" and inserts them into the %s position

Blog settings/parameters json file example

        "social_network": "telegram",
        "blog_username": "@literature_blog",
        "content_type": "text",
        "application": "note_to_self_literature_blog",
                "content_type": "text",
                "selection_alg": "random",
                "data_format": "database",
                "data_file": "/path/to/sqlite/database/mydata.db",
                "format_rules": [
                    {"\"\n\n- %s":1}
        "social_network": "tumblr",
        "blog_username": "world_wide_art_images",
        "content_type": "image+text",
        "application": "note_to_self_art_blog",
        "content" : [
                "content_type": "image",
                "directory": "/path/to/dir/with/images/",
                "recursive_folders": true,
                "selection_alg": "random",
                "broadcast_history_ftype": "json",
                "broadcast_history": "/path/to/history_log_file.json"
                "content_type": "text",
                "selection_alg": "description",
                "data_format": "json",
                "data_file": "infogeneral.json",
                "format_rules": [
                    {"Photo by: %s ":0},
                    {" | <a href=\"%s\"\"> Instagram </a> |":3}
        "tags":["art", "explore", "inspiration"]

Credentials and keys json file example

	"social_network": "telegram",
	"keys": {
		"TELE_api_id": ,
		"TELE_api_hash": "",
		"TELE_session":  "",
		"TELE_session_test": ""
	"social_network": "twitter",
	"keys": {
		"ACCESS_KEY_TW": "",
	"social_network": "tumblr",
	"note": "",
	"keys": {
		"OAUTH_TOKEN": "",
	"social_network": "vk",
	"note": "",
	"keys": {
		"vk_user_id": "",
		"vk_album_id": "",
		"vk_version": "5.103",
		"vk_token_loc": "",
		"vk_token_loc_test": ""


blog_username is group_id