- 3
no main manifest attribute
#164 opened by ThanhDat2804 - 3
#163 opened by ThanhDat2804 - 1
- 1
- 6
Use yGuard with javassist
#159 opened by CaledoniaProject - 1
Can't really put this into use
#158 opened by CaledoniaProject - 1
Cannot exclude `native` method
#157 opened by thanhminh-vht - 5
Exception when obfuscating: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: PermittedSubclasses requires ASM9
#156 opened by clintsb111 - 2
error on spring boot Multiple package projects
#155 opened by rolkey - 4
Obfuscated Spring Boot Web jar cannot be run
#154 opened by gsdefender - 6
Java 22 Support
#153 opened by tugalsan - 4
Class Tag Is Keeping All public methods.
#152 opened by LB45440078L - 3
- 1
Improve replaceContent for resource files
#121 opened by thomasbehr - 2
Remove Kotlin Metadata annotations
#129 opened by ctadlock - 3
Improvement for "replaceClassNameStrings" to optionally replace partial paths
#123 opened by bernhardf-ro - 0
Improve record obfuscation
#119 opened by thomasbehr - 2
compileOnly - Task FAILED Unable to load class 'com.yworks.yguard.YGuardTask'.
#150 opened by eltonsandre - 2
Yshrink does not accept the Record keyword
#149 opened by karimall72 - 1
Exposed class is still being obfuscated
#147 opened by iker-molero - 17
Support for Java 18+?
#128 opened by ctadlock - 4
What are the limitations of yGuard tool ?
#148 opened by Shalaka1197 - 3
Excluding clojure
#145 opened by Hosfad - 1
- 2
The demo for example (/examples/resources/) is not valid. After the maven package is packaged, the package structure and resource contents of the jar file are not changed.
#133 opened by xhc-code - 8
Unique class name generation
#132 opened by patbaumgartner - 8
Can we obfuscate spring boot war file ?
#136 opened by mazaharulhq - 3
- 1
How to obfuscate .apk with this tool?
#143 opened by Dazmed707 - 4
support multiple keep for multiple class
#142 opened by cwengc - 1
Can we do only Obfuscation step using yGuard ?
#141 opened by Shalaka1197 - 7
- 4
Keep method params
#138 opened by Fargys1879 - 0
Update documentation
#118 opened by thomasbehr - 0
- 8
Spring-boot war obfuscation
#126 opened by thesherrinford - 2
- 4
<tasks> replaced by <target>
#130 opened by thyanmol - 2
Springboot Java Code Obfuscation Error
#127 opened by Darshan-shivashankar - 4
- 0
3.1.0 on Maven Central
#120 opened by kouellette - 2
- 2
Support Java 17
#116 opened by travisspencer - 3
Kotlin not being obfuscated
#117 opened by sky-starver - 0
Add support for Records
#109 opened by thomasbehr - 3
Update yGuard to work with Java 15
#108 opened by thomasbehr - 1
Unable to setup using Gradle
#112 opened by akshit0201 - 3
Unsupported class file major version 61
#110 opened by jeancc - 1
Add Spring Boot with Gradle example
#105 opened by soprabaixar2 - 2
ClassNotFoundException - missing external dependency
#107 opened by boilrmkr