
Munin plugin to monitor Arris 900s DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem


Munin plugin to monitor Arris 900s DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem

Inspired by:


  • Munin http://munin-monitoring.org/ - monitoring software
  • Arris 900s - cable modem using DOCSIS 3.0 technology
  • munin-arris-plugin - munin-plugin to monitor Internet connection using the Arris modem
  • my munin-node runs on Raspberry Pi computer and has a very low requirements.


You should have up and running installation of Munin. Two options:

  • copy scripts (*.sh) to /etc/munin/plugins/
  • ln -S the scripts to the /etc/munin/plugins right from the git fetched repository

Restart munin-node (sudo /etc/init.d/munin-node restart).

Wait 10-20 minutes, observe results through /var/cache/munin/www folder or start Web Server there and go to html interface.

To start simplest web server:

cd /var/cache/munin/www
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

and go to http://localhost:8000/.


Munin consists of several parts:

  • Munin-node - a process that started once in 5 minutes and fetches output of munin-plugins, registered in /etc/munin/plugins. Fetched values are stored in internal database in RRD format.
  • Munin-cron - a process that parses RRD data and builds HTML / PNG presentation of the data in to /var/cache/munin/www.
  • Scripts in /etc/munin/plugins has two modes of operation:
    • config - tells munin which parameters exist and which labels to use
    • normal mode - returns the current values of the parameters

Sample of munin-plugin output:

ya-pulser$ ./pu-snr.sh config
graph_title Arris 900s Signal to Noise (dB)
graph_vlabel db (decibels)
graph_category arris
downsnr1.label Downstream 1
downsnr2.label Downstream 2
downsnr3.label Downstream 3
ya-pulser$ ./pu-snr.sh 
downsnr1.value 37.60
downsnr2.value 36.40
downsnr3.value 36.60

How the script works:

  • Connect to modem statistics page using wget.
  • Grep line of interest.
  • Convert to required format using awk / sed combo.